Created With PurposeSýnishorn

Created With Purpose

DAY 1 OF 8

Created in His Image

Celebrating God's Design and Purpose

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the sixth day”.

God created the Heaven and the Earth. As He created each day, God saw that it was good — 1st day (v.4), 2nd day (v.10), 3rd day (v.12), 4th day (v.18), 5th day (v.21), 6th day (v.25). When God made mankind, He said, “Let us make mankind” in

  • Our own image
  • Our likeness
  • Let them rule over all the earth

God created mankind in his own image, that is, in the image of God himself.

God blessed them to

  • Be fruitful
  • Increase in number
  • Fill the earth
  • Subdue it
  • Rule over the fish in the sea, birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

What a considerate and compassionate God we have!

Have we ever praised God for having made us in His own image, and not like the other creatures in this world?

Have we ever praised God for blessing us with all that He has created?

Have we ever praised God for having made us to rule over every living creature in the sea and air, and all the earth?

Let us take a moment to sincerely thank and praise the God who created us, acknowledge all He has done for us from the very beginning.

We also see, God rested from all His work and blessed the seventh day, making it Holy as the Sabbath. He expects us also to keep the Sabbath Holy. The Lord should give us the grace to understand the significance of the Sabbath and help us to keep it Holy. Let each one of us decide to spend the day for spiritual upliftment, renewal of our covenants, worship, rest, prayer, and doing all that would please God.

Prayer: Lord, I express my gratitude and praise for creating me in your image and granting me authority to steward and rule over all that you have made. Please guide me in honouring the sanctity of the sabbath by dedicating it to activities that bring joy and pleasure to You.


Dag 2

About this Plan

Created With Purpose

In this devotional series, we will embark on a profound journey through the early chapters of Genesis, exploring God’s magnificent creation, the purpose He instilled in humanity, and the divine promises that shape our lives. Each day, we will delve into a specific aspect of God’s plan, reflecting on its relevance to our daily lives and deepening our relationship with our Creator. Join us as we celebrate being made in God’s image, understand our responsibilities, cherish the sanctity of marriage, and embrace the covenant God has established with us.
