Flourish in FaithSýnishorn

Help My Unbelief!
This story in the New Testament tells of a man who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus for healing. First, he asked the disciples to drive out the demon, but they could not. Then he said to Jesus, “But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” The man had his focus on his problem instead of on Christ. He was thinking about how long his son had been possessed and the great damage that had been done. He wasn’t convinced that Jesus could do anything about it. But Jesus corrected the man and showed him that anything is possible through Christ. Are you facing hard times right now? Does your faith feel a little weak? When you are tempted to let your problems get the better of you and you feel that your faith isn’t strong enough to overcome, pray for God to change your thinking from doubt to firm faith in Christ. And remember, when you are weak, He is strong!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, my problems seem too big to handle right now. I trust You, and I want to believe that You are bigger than anything I’m facing. Help my unbelief! Amen.
About this Plan

This beautiful devotional plan will engage your spirit with Bible wisdom and encouraging devotions. Each entry includes a scripture, faith-building devotional reading, and prayer.