Ministry of MiraclesSýnishorn

Ministry of Miracles
Among the thousands at home and abroad who have been miraculously healed by our Lord in our meetings, only a small percentage of them have been individually prayed for. Most have been healed through the faith that arose in their own hearts while meditating on the Bible truths we shared from the platform.
Over the course of six decades of ministry in more than a hundred nations, we have observed that most church members know about Paul’s thorn (2 Corinthians 12:7), Job’s boils (Job 2:7), Timothy’s sore stomach (1 Timothy 5:23), the teaching of sickness as God’s chastisement (Deuteronomy 28:58–59), and the idea of suffering for the glory of God (1 Peter 4:13). But very few church members can quote a Bible verse that promises healing (Psalm 30:2); God’s covenant of healing (Exodus 15:26); His promises that believers have authority over Satan and Satan-made diseases (Matthew 10:1); the assurance that if we ask, we will receive (Matthew 7:7); Satan’s legal defeat by Christ in His death for us on the cross (Colossians 2:15); the believer’s true ministry (John 14:12); how Christ bore our diseases and pains (Isaiah 53:5); or our legal rights to health and abundant living (John 10:10).
Without knowledge of the positive truths of healing that abound in the Scriptures, one has nothing upon which to base his or her faith for physical healing. There can be no faith for miracles. There is nothing to draw non-Christians to hear the gospel nor to persuade them to believe it. Miracles wrought in the name of Jesus Christ are evidence that Christ has risen from the dead according to the Scriptures (Mark 16:20, Acts 14:3).
Miracles are a witness of God’s power—evidence of the truth of the gospel. Without them, Christianity is no more than another religion or a philosophy. But real Christianity is neither. It is life! (John 17:3)
Biblical Christianity is the only form of worship in which the object worshipped dwells in the heart of the worshipper. No Hindu, Shintoist, Muslim, or Buddhist ever claimed that the deity worshipped dwells in the worshipper. Such a concept would be considered sacrilegious in most non-Christian religions. Yet, that is precisely the essence of Christianity: Jesus, dwelling in the heart of the believer by faith. Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
God, help me to build my faith, and to proclaim a faith, that rests on ALL of Scripture. You are a God who works miracles big and small. Let me remember and trust in Your promises.
About this Plan

Do you long to see the miracles that surrounded Jesus’ ministry and that of the disciples in the early church? Let this devotional encourage you! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His miracles are proof of His love. This devotional plan is based on Dr. T. L. Osborn’s book Miracles: Proof of God’s Love.