Rooted in WorshipSýnishorn

Rooted in Worship

DAY 14 OF 28

God Sightings

It was an August morning in 1998. Pastor Don Cousins got up early that morning to spend time with the Lord. The Bible passage he read that morning is often known as The Feeding of the 5000. It’s a familiar story for many Christians, and Don had read it dozens, if not hundreds, of times before. As he read the text, he asked, “God, is there anything new you want me to know from this story?”

As Don continued reading the story, he noticed that this day in Jesus’ life did not end with just a massive miraculous picnic. There was more to the story.

“They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand. Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd” (Mark 6:42-45).

The disciples not only witnessed the miraculous feeding, but they also had to serve the food. They were exhausted and hungry! Jesus sent them out in a boat so they could get a few moments to eat and rest while he went up on a mountainside to pray. The disciples must have had some lively conversation about what they had just witnessed! Thomas may have asked, “How did he do that?” Peter may have said, “Can you believe we even have leftovers?” Judas may have said, “Wow, we could make a lot of money opening up a restaurant.”

For a few moments, all was calm and peaceful, but the rest they found would be short-lived. In the early morning hours (about 3:00 a.m.), the disciples found themselves struggling at the oars of their small boat in the middle of the enormous lake with the winds hard against them. From the land, Jesus saw the disciples straining at the oars and walked out on the water towards them. When he approached the disciples, they were terrified. Mark explains, “He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified” (Mark 6:48-50).

Don was struck by the reaction of the disciples and the phrase, “He was about to pass by them.” These were men who had just spent a long day ministering with Jesus. They saw Jesus bless five loaves and two fish and then personally became a part of the most miraculous food multiplication and distribution event the world has ever known. Now, in the middle of the storm, how could they mistake Jesus for a ghost? Why on earth would Jesus pass them by? Why were they amazed when Jesus calmed the storm?

Their reactions make it clear that they didn’t understand who Jesus really was.

Was he a good teacher? Of course. They knew that. Was he a miracle worker? Of course. They knew that. What they didn’t understand was that they were in the very presence of the living God in the person of Jesus. Based on their reaction, Jesus could tell they did not really know who he was.

The Bible explains: “They had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened” (Mark 6:48-50).

These men had been in the presence of Jesus, but still, they almost missed him.

That August morning, Don asked, “Lord, are you trying to say something to me?” The Lord immediately brought a thought to Don’s mind: “Don, I pass by your life every day just like the disciples here, and you, too, fail to see me.”

How often does Jesus pass in front of the boat of your life, and you fail to see him?”

Consider for a moment the disciples' circumstances. It was the middle of the night, dark, the wind was howling, and they were in a row boat on a surging sea. They were exhausted and struggling, and life was really hard. If there was ever a time that they needed Jesus to get in their boat, it was then.

Have you ever found yourself in a dark circumstance with no light at the end of the tunnel? Have you ever felt like the wind and the waves were against you? Have you ever been terrified by what you are facing in life?

When we find ourselves in dark, stormy times of life, we need a way to see Jesus in our circumstances. We need a way to remember who he is and what he has done in the past.

On that August morning, Don began doing something he has done ever since and will do for the rest of his life. He started keeping a list of “God Sightings” in his prayer journal. These “God Sightings” are a record of places where Jesus has passed before his life. Don titles this section of his prayer journal "God Sightings: Mark 6- Manifestations of God’s presence in, through, and around my life." What started on that August day in 1998 has been a part of Don’s life for over 25 years.

What about you? Do you have a way of recording God Sightings in your life?

Having a record of God Sightings can be a lifesaver when facing life's raging storms. Remembering where God has shown up in the past reinforces our faith and gives us the ability to keep moving forward.


Looking back over the last weeks, months, or even years, can you recall times when you were aware that God had passed by your life?

Today, begin creating your own list of God Sightings. You can do this in a paper journal, a note on your phone, or a document on your computer. Whatever method you choose, the goal is to create a physical reminder of the way God has passed by your life.


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About this Plan

Rooted in Worship

Many reduce worship to singing in church when, in fact, worship is so much more. The Bible makes it clear that worship is a lifestyle! As you become Rooted in Worship, you will see every moment, every relationship, and everything you have as an opportunity to express your love to the Lord in worship. This plan can be used along with the Rooted In Worship Small Group Video Series.
