Un-Failing Our Way Into God’s Unlimited GoodnessSýnishorn

Trusting God
In Judges 6, an angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon to tell him God was sending him to save Israel out of Midian’s hand. But Gideon didn’t believe he was capable—and even if he was, he didn’t believe God would keep His promise to be with him. He asked for three separate proofs that it was really God talking to him and that God would really do what He said. He had to triple check God to finally commit to what was being asked of him!
Meanwhile, the Israelites were impoverished and dying. They were crying out to the Lord as Gideon was testing God. Who knows what greater devastation happened that God did not intend while Gideon faltered in his uncertainty.
Wouldn’t it have been easier to trust Him from the beginning? This is a recurring theme when we see the failures of biblical characters. It’s human nature to lack faith when faced with uncertainty, and it affects each of God’s followers, no matter how firm their faith seems to be otherwise. Yet there comes a time when we have to choose courage and press forward with God’s plan, even if we’re unsure.
Even Abraham, our father of faith, had trouble believing God. When he and his wife Sarah were advanced in years, God promised to make them the parents of many nations—and Abraham fell down laughing. But none of that changed the fact that Sarah was already pregnant, and the Lord was true to His word.
There was nothing too hard for God, nothing He can’t make happen. He has so much more than we could ever dream, than we could ever dare to ask. We only need the courage to trust in Him and then wait for Him to fulfill His promises. Too often, we take matters into our own hands, thinking we are sufficient, thinking we’ve got it all figured out, when God’s ways are so much better and brighter.
God knows we’re never going to be as courageous as we need to be, but the beautiful reality is that God is always with us. If we are simply faithful, God compensates for our inadequacies. When we’re faced with that deciding moment, we need to take a step of faith, knowing that God will come through for us.
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No one wants to talk about failure, but we all miss the mark from time to time. Even our biblical heroes did things they shouldn’t have done. But when we mess up or our circumstances seem dire, God steps in to make things right. That’s the beauty of an unfailing God, one who is with us every step of the way.