Virtuous Woman - ExcellenceSýnishorn

Virtuous Woman - Excellence

DAY 11 OF 11


Character Goal: Fruitfulness is a result of remaining in Jesus, receiving nourishment from Him, and expressing His nature through our lives towards others.

Biblical Character: The Bride of Christ

Scripture Readings: John 15:1‑15; Galatians 5:22‑23; 6:7‑9

Discussion Questions:

  • What is a vine and how does it relate to the branches?
  • In this passage, what does Jesus refer to Himself as? What does this imply about other vines?
  • Who is the Father and what is His role?
  • Who are the branches?
  • What does Jesus command His followers to do in verse 4? What does this mean for our life?
  • What is the only way that a believer is able to bear fruit?
  • What is the significance of God’s Word in the life of a believer according to verse 7? In what ways can we allow God’s Word to remain in us?
  • How is the Father glorified by His people and what does this show about them?
  • Read Galatians 6:7‑9. What does a man reap (harvest)? In what two areas of our lives do we have the ability to sow? What is the result of each?
  • From the verse in Galatians 5, what type of fruit comes as a result of sowing into the Spirit? What is the opposite of each of these kinds of fruit?
  • What are some specific seeds we plant that bring about destructive attitudes and behavior? What are some specific seeds we plant to bring about Godly attitudes and behaviors?
  • What types of seeds have you been sowing on your team and what has been the result?
  • Where does Jesus tell us to remain, and how are we to do that?
  • What kind of fruit did Jesus appoint us to bear?
  • What are examples of fruit that lasts and what are examples of fruit that does not last?
  • What does this tell us about what we are to be investing our time in?
  • What does this story teach you about God? Women? How can you apply these truths to your life?
  • What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life before the next lesson?

Core Truths:

  • Jesus is the true vine and our only source of life.
  • Abiding in Jesus allows us to be fruitful, but apart from Jesus we cannot bear fruit that lasts.
  • We reap the fruit of the seeds that we sow—either of the flesh or of the Spirit.
  • Sowing seeds to the flesh reaps destruction and sowing seeds to the Spirit reaps eternal life.

Training for Godliness:

Team cohesion is very important. If even one teammate is putting herself above the rest, it disrupts the whole team. BUT, if each team member realizes they have an important role to play-all the way from the starter to the one encouraging others on the bench—the team comes together to accomplish greater things than all the individuals can accomplish alone. Have you ever experienced a team of a bunch of individuals? What was it like? What about a team with strong cohesion? What was that like? How can you work together with your teammates to be more like the example Jesus gave in John 15 of the Vine and Branches.

Memory Verse: “Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates.” -Proverbs 31:31

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About this Plan

Virtuous Woman - Excellence

Excellence is glorifying God by working wholeheartedly towards all He has given you to do. This Virtuous Woman study is 11 sessions that walk through ideas such as stewardship, dignity, wisdom, attentiveness, legacy, value, faithfulness, power, faith, and fruitfulness. This study was written by Alexandria McCraney who lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas with her husband and three kids and serves with FCA at the University of Arkansas.
