Sexual Integrity: Young Men Born for WARSýnishorn

Sexual Integrity: Young Men Born for WAR

DAY 6 OF 7

"Hedge Your Bet"

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

You have heard the term hedge your bet. This means to figure out what is best or more likely to happen so when you bet you win. Now, of course, I am in no way encouraging any form of gambling.

However, what if you could set up a situation where you are more likely to win this sexual battle you were born into instead of being another casualty of the war? In Job 1:10, the enemy says to God about Job,

“Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?”

You see, when you want to protect something, you build a hedge and put up boundaries so you can be safe. What boundaries can be helpful for you to win this battle?

I have helped thousands of people win this battle, so let me give you some ideas about building a hedge. First, block whatever source of temptation is coming at you. This might seem radical, but much is at stake to win this battle.

1. Consider getting off all social media platforms or having boundaries and accountability with them.

2. Consider only having connections with people you actually meet in person.

3. Consider getting a porn blocker or accountability software for all devices.

4. Consider having an accountability partner for your thoughts, temptations, and behaviors.

5. Consider proactive behaviors like reading the Bible, memorizing scripture, and morning and evening prayer.

6.Write out your long-term goals for your life so you know who you are fighting for.

7. Write a letter to your future spouse on how you protected your sexuality for them.

8. Write your future children a letter on how you won the sexual battle when you were younger and what a life without secrets or shame is like.


1.What day did you or will you commit to building a hedge of protection for yourself, your future spouse, and your children?

2.What are hedges you think will be helpful for you at this stage of your life?

Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

Sexual Integrity: Young Men Born for WAR

Born For War offers a roadmap through the sexual traps this generation faces, equipping young men for the battle the enemy has ahead. This course offers practical tools to navigate these sexual landmines and offers scriptural truths to empower young men for success.
