Mindsets That Hurt v HealSýnishorn

Mindsets That Hurt v Heal

DAY 3 OF 7


Philippians 4:6 says, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything."

The problem with worry is that it shifts our minds into the past of regret or the future of fear—both powerless positions. The root meaning of the word worry is "to choke." Worrying causes emotional and mental strangulation. When we pray, we shift our minds back to the present tense, and prayer is something we can do—it brings us back into a powerful position.

However, pride often gets in the way. Praying means choosing to open up and invite Jesus in. Praying means being vulnerable and exposed, which is a posture that can trigger fear in many as what happens if God doesn't answer my prayers?

Many of us have made vows in life due to past hurts. Vows such as:

  • I will never trust anyone again.
  • I will never be vulnerable again.
  • I will never love again.

Many would rather struggle in their strength and self-sufficiency than surrender their worlds to an unseen God. It results in seeking to remain in control of all circumstances because fear can block our ability to trust Jesus. The need to stay in control also goes back to the inherited knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 3, which has given us a false perception of thinking we are "like" God. Pride keeps us in the struggle of doing things in our strength.

However, scripture is full of verses revealing Jesus' heart towards us. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us clearly that we can give our worries and fears to Him because He cares for us. Allowing ourselves to experience the heart of care Jesus has for us is incredibly healing. It begins by just talking to Him - prayer. Tell Him about your fears, hurts, and worries. Invite Him into your wrestles, insecurities and pain.

Doing this takes a huge step in faith, especially when fear is knocking at our door. Surrender is about letting go and inviting Him in. We can choose to struggle or surrender—it's our choice. I have never regretted this choice, and I pray that God will do the same for you.


  • How is struggling in your strength robbing you?
  • What is your biggest fear when it comes to surrender?
  • What are your biggest wrestles when it comes to letting go of control?


Jesus, I pray You reveal Your heart that cares for me. I pray for greater insight into Your love for me as I seek to let go and surrender everything to You. I choose today to let You into my story. Amen.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Mindsets That Hurt v Heal

This reading plan examines six mindsets that hurt rather than heal. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The mind is the enemy's battlefield; owning this space is crucial to finding healing and wholeness.
