The Deepening JourneySýnishorn

The Deepening Journey

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2: Made in the Image of God

Yesterday we explored some of our design and intention: belovedness and wholeheartedness. Today let’s explore what it means that women were created in God’s image. Here are four of the many unique ways we bear the image of God as women:

1. Through our Strength

“God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” (Genesis 2:18) That word “helper” is the English translation of “ezer” which literally means warrior; strong help; man’s perfect match. We use our beautifully fierce heart to protect, to act justly on behalf of those who are weak, unprotected, and oppressed.

2. Through our Beauty

Women are the crown of creation. It was only after Eve was created that God declared his creation very good. Our beauty is about far more than outward appearances. Beauty is set in our hearts. A woman’s beauty is the very life of God within her. Our very presence can bring goodness, life, and healing to another. Beauty captivates, awakens, draws us in. Beauty nourishes and delights.

3. In Relationships

One of the most beautiful ways women bear the image of God is through our capacity for relationships. There is something in us that longs to be wanted, to be invited, to be included. As women we have a unique way of offering presence, compassion, comfort, of engaging hearts, inviting others near, and of cultivating spaces for connection. Belonging—connection—happens in the context of relationships. YES! It’s what we long for, because we were made for it!

4. Through the Mother Heart of God

In scripture God is portrayed with both paternal and maternal aspects. Jesus declares in Matthew 23:37, “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” He longed to show Jerusalem affection to comfort and guide as a mother hen would her chicks. The name of God “El Shaddai” means strong breasted one. This name describes how like a mother, God desires to embrace, nurture, and nourish us. We bear the image of God when we protect, provide, nourish, comfort, and care.

As you ponder all this with God today, ask Him:

Father, what are the ways that you nurture me and care for me with maternal love?

Jesus, what things are in the way of my receiving your love?

Spirit, how do I push back against your care?

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

The Deepening Journey

Have you ever felt there must be MORE to life than what you’re experiencing? Come with us on a seven-day journey exploring life as beloved daughters in this broken and beautiful world, what comes against us, and Jesus’ offer of healing, love, life, and friendship. Have a journal ready for conversations with God each day!
