Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for MarriageSýnishorn

Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for Marriage

DAY 1 OF 5

As single women navigating the modern dating landscape, it’s essential to anchor your choices in God’s Word. The scriptures we’re reflecting on today highlight a crucial aspect of relationships: the importance of being united in faith and values.

2 Corinthians 6:14 warns against being unequally yoked with unbelievers. The imagery of a yoke brings to mind two animals working together in harmony, moving in the same direction. When you yoke yourself with someone who does not share your faith, you risk a life of constant tugging in opposite directions. This is a loving guideline from God to protect you from heartache and spiritual compromise.

1 Corinthians 15:33 reminds you that the company you keep significantly influences your character and habits. Dating someone who does not share your commitment to biblical principles can slowly erode your values and pull you away from God’s path. It’s easy to think you can maintain your standards, but you can't underestimate the power of negative influences.

Amos 3:3 poses a rhetorical question: Can two walk together unless they are agreed? The obvious answer is no. Walking in agreement with your partner means more than just having common interests; it’s about sharing the same spiritual journey and having a mutual understanding of God’s place in your lives.

So, how can you apply this to your daily life?

1. Prayerful Discernment:

Before entering a relationship, pray for discernment. Ask God to reveal the true nature of the person you’re considering dating. Trust that He will guide you towards someone who shares your faith and values.

2. Set Clear Boundaries:

Establish boundaries that reflect your commitment to biblical morals. Be upfront about your faith and what you stand for. This will help filter out those who are not aligned with your beliefs early on.

3. Seek Godly Counsel:

Surround yourself with a community of believers who can offer wisdom and support. Share your dating experiences with trusted friends or mentors who can provide godly advice and keep you accountable.

4. Reflect on Your Walk:

Continuously evaluate whether your relationship draws you closer to God or pulls you away. A relationship rooted in Christ should encourage spiritual growth and a deeper commitment to God.

Remember, being like-minded with your partner in faith and morals is not just about compatibility; it’s about creating a foundation that can withstand the trials and challenges of life. As you seek a mate, prioritize your spiritual health and the unwavering truths of God’s Word. Trust that God has a perfect plan for you, and in His timing, He will bring someone who complements your faith journey and enhances your walk with Him.

Think it Over

Consider past or current relationships. Have you noticed any positive or negative influences on your spiritual life? How can you ensure that your future relationships encourage and strengthen your relationship with God?


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the wisdom of Your Word. Help me to choose a partner who is aligned with Your principles and who will walk with me in faith. Grant me the discernment to recognize when someone is not right for me and the strength to stay true to Your path. Surround me with a supportive community that encourages me to maintain Your biblical standards. May my relationship honor You and lead me closer to Your heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dag 2

About this Plan

Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for Marriage

This devotional is for single women dating in a modern world, to help navigate relationships while maintaining biblical principles. It offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical advice to help maintain faith and integrity in relationships, ensuring your journey aligns with God's love and purpose.
