What Does It Mean to Date With Intention?Sýnishorn

What Does It Mean to Date With Intention?

DAY 1 OF 5

The “What?”

Proverbs 16:2

“All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord.”

Are you dating with intention? Perhaps you are but don’t realize it or want to start. Dating with intention means entering the dating scene with a clear purpose and goal in mind rather than just casually dating for fun or out of loneliness. For Christians, this often means dating with the end goal of finding a Godly spouse.

Dating with intention is all about being purposeful in your approach to finding a potential life partner. It means:

Knowing What You Want

To date with intention means to have a clear picture of what you're looking for in a potential partner. This doesn't mean having a checklist of superficial qualities but rather understanding the core values and character traits that are important to you. For example, you might value someone who is kind, patient, and shares your faith. Or, you might want to date someone who has big dreams and goals for their life and the determination to pursue them.

Setting Boundaries

To date with intention means to know your physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries to protect yourself and your relationship. You know where you draw the line in various aspects of a new relationship. It might be to save physical intimacy for marriage. It could be not discussing deeply personal experiences until the relationship has reached a deeper level of trust. It might involve limiting the amount of time spent together to ensure you both keep your relationship with God as the most important.

Being Honest

When you date with intention, you are open and honest about your hopes to ensure you’re on the same page. Honesty lays the foundation for a healthy relationship. From the beginning, it is essential to be clear about what you're looking for in a relationship and where you see it going. If you intend to find a life partner who shares your faith and values, sharing this early on ensures you’re aligned or can part ways if not.

Praying About Your Relationship

When you date with intention, you include God in your relationship by praying about your decisions and seeking His guidance. You make sure all of your actions align with His will, from how you talk to people on a dating app to how you behave on dates and make decisions about the future of your relationship. This means conducting yourself with integrity and respect, online and offline, and engaging in activities that honor God.


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About this Plan

What Does It Mean to Date With Intention?

Are you dating with intention? Perhaps you are but don’t realize it or want to start. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing what it means to date with intention, why it’s important, and how you can do it successfully to find a Godly spouse.
