I Am REDEEMED!Sýnishorn


DAY 5 OF 5


If you have wasted time, if time is not on your side, or if you wish you had used your time more wisely, God can redeem your time.

Only he knows how many days you will serve on this earth, so allowing him to show you how to spend your time is an act of submission on our part. The world will try to lure us with the quick fix, the microwave moments, and the drive-thru dreams, but that is not often how the Lord works.

To him, each day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day (2 Peter 3:8). He is not bound by time and can operate outside time because he created it.

Maybe you feel like you've already wasted a lot of your life--he can redeem your time and multiply it! God can make you more productive than ever with his favor. He can release great ideas, witty inventions, and new business plans into your life to propel you farther ahead than if you had worked on these things your whole life.

Don't let the idea that your time has passed or slipped away take root! The Bible says There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1). It also says he has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

His favor and timing on our lives can do more in a moment than we could in a thousand lifetimes. Our part is pushing forward, doing whatever he asks of us. His part is everything else.

It is never too late or too early to let the Lord redeem your time.

Prayer for Time: Lord, forgive all my wasted hours. From this point forward, I want to go, do, and become all you have for me. To do this, I need you to redeem my time. Remind me that I don't control time--you do. Show me how to use my time wisely, and put your hand of favor on me so that I will continue moving your plan for my life forward. I want to grow in wisdom and stature and favor with you and with people, just like Jesus did. In his powerful name, amen.

Check out Meredith's new devotional HERE for more encouragement!

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About this Plan


If you are struggling with regrets, poor decisions, or need a do-over in your life, this plan is for you! Jesus wants to redeem every part of your life, from finances to relationships. Let the next five days fill you with hope and encouragement because you are REDEEMED!
