Faith for Fertility: A Prayer DevotionalSýnishorn

Fix Your Eyes on the Father
Sometimes, our needs, wants, and desires can feel overwhelming. It’s not uncommon to rush into the Lord’s presence and begin to pour out what’s on our minds. But the Bible teaches us that we need to remember Who we are praying to. We might be weak, but He is strong. We might be needy but He has provision. And when we orientate our prayers around who He is and remind ourselves of His strength and provision, we are set up to pray with faith – even with a matter as difficult as infertility or childlessness!
Lord God, as we begin this prayer devotional journey, we enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and we enter into Your courts with praise. You are our great reward, our portion with which we are deeply satisfied. We come before Your throne because You are full of grace and mercy. Even if we are in a place of lack, even as we lack the children we desire, we can thank and praise You for who You are – for who You are does not change. We ask you to fill us with faith as we pray. As our loving Father, we request good gifts from Your hand. Stir trust up in us. Amen.
About this Plan

If you’re waiting for a child, be it through adoption, natural pregnancy, or fertility treatment, this devotional is for you. The reflections on the scriptures are short and the prayers will take one to three minutes to pray. Be encouraged to allow God to fill your heart with hope, patience, and faith as you fix your eyes on Him. I strongly encourage you to complete this devotional with your spouse.