Focus: Avoiding DistractionsSýnishorn

Focus: Avoiding Distractions

DAY 2 OF 3

Peter walked on water towards Jesus, achieving what is humanly impossible, only to falter as he allowed his surroundings to distract him from the presence of God.

Jesus approaches His disciples, walking on the water amidst strong winds and waves. The disciples, initially terrified, are reassured by Jesus’s comforting words: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, inspired by Jesus’s miraculous presence, asks to join Him on the water. As he steps out of the boat, Peter walks towards Jesus, defying nature and demonstrating the power of faith.

This moment is pivotal—not just for Peter but for all of us. Peter walks on water, not by his power, but by focusing on Jesus, the source of all miracles. His steps are secure, his faith is active, and the impossible becomes possible, all because he fixed his eyes on the Lord.

However, the moment Peter shifts his focus to the wind and the waves, his faith wavers. He begins to sink, overwhelmed by the circumstances around him. His cry, “Lord, save me!” is met with Jesus’s immediate response. Jesus reaches out, saves him, and gently reproaches him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

This is a lesson about maintaining your focus on God, especially when surrounded by challenging circumstances. Like Peter, you are often called to step out in faith, to walk towards God during the storms of life. The winds and waves around you—your troubles, fears, and uncertainties—can easily distract you and weaken your faith. However, when you keep your eyes firmly on Jesus, you access the power to do the unimaginable.

You can't just avoid distractions without being intentional. You actively choose to direct your focus on God’s presence and His promises rather than the chaos of your surroundings. When you focus on Jesus, you find stability and strength, even when the storm rages around you.

Challenge yourself to emulate Peter’s initial boldness repeatedly, not just in moments of calm but especially in times of turmoil. Strive to keep your focus on God, drawing nearer to Him in faith, and trusting in His power to sustain and guide you. By doing so, you can navigate any storm with confidence and peace, secure in the knowledge that with Jesus, even walking on water is within your reach.

Think It Over

Reflect on a recent challenging situation in your life where you felt overwhelmed or afraid. In that moment, where was your focus—on the circumstances and fears surrounding you, or on God’s presence and promises? How did your focus affect your response to the situation, and what can you learn from this experience to strengthen your faith in future challenges?


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your constant presence and unending love. In moments of fear and uncertainty, help me to remember the story of Peter walking on the water and the powerful lesson it holds. Teach me to keep my eyes fixed on You, Lord, not on the storms that rage around me.

Lord, when the winds of doubt and the waves of anxiety threaten to pull me under, remind me of Your sovereignty and strength. Grant me the courage to step out in faith, trusting not in my understanding but in Your miraculous power to sustain and guide me.

Forgive me for the times I have allowed my surroundings to overshadow Your promises. Renew my spirit and strengthen my faith, so that I may walk confidently toward You, even on the unstable waters of life.

Help me to focus solely on You, finding peace and assurance in Your word and Your presence. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Focus: Avoiding Distractions

We often don’t recognize distractions for what they are until they’ve done their damage. Distractions, by their nature, don't announce themselves with a warning. They sneak into our daily routines, masquerading as necessary tasks, engaging diversions, or even essential activities. It’s only after they’ve diverted us from our goals and stolen our time that we realize their true impact.
