The Overcomers by Matt ChandlerSýnishorn

The Overcomers by Matt Chandler

DAY 1 OF 5

Love Equals Judgement?

“That’s not fair!” It’s one of the earliest concepts we learn. Someone gets a toy we want. Or we get punished for something we didn’t do. As we get older, if we’re honest, we realize that we want things to be fairly judged when the harm has been done to us. But when we harm others, somehow, it’s a little easier to justify.

Scripture tells us again and again that God is love (1 John 4:8). Everything He does is out of love. That’s easy to accept when we think about how He protects and guides and forgives. But what about when He judges? Many people argue that a God who is love does not seem like a God who would judge. How can both be part of His character? And when we look at the book of Revelation, with the seals and trumpets and devastation, it seems like that judgment is perhaps too harsh and scary.

However, a reality without judgment is one without love. If you are a parent, you know this to be true. We make judgments out of love for our children to keep them safe and healthy and teach them what is right. Telling them no and making judgments does not mean we hate them; it means we love them.

In the same way, God’s wrath and judgment reflect His love for His children. If He didn’t judge those who harm His children, how would that be love? And because He is love, we know that His judgment and wrath are righteous and good. First John 4:9–10 tells us, “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” In sending His Son to die for us, His love was made visible.

Thank you, God, that You are a good and righteous God who rightly judges based on Your great love for us.

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About this Plan

The Overcomers by Matt Chandler

How do we live as Overcomers here on earth? In Matt Chandler’s book The Overcomers, he walks us through the book of Revelation as we examine what it means to be a uniquely created child living out His purposes here and now. As we explore Revelation, we’ll be convicted and encouraged to live as we are meant to live—as Overcomers sharing the gospel for His kingdom.
