The Christmas Carols: Past, Present, & Future HopeSýnishorn

The Christmas Carols: Past, Present, & Future Hope

DAY 14 OF 30

Day 14

Joy Has Dawned!

Read: Philippians 2:4-11

Great Christian songs are not always old. There are wonderful songs currently being written that reflect upon the majesty of Jesus. Of the groups currently writing modern hymns, my favorite is Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. They have authored a number of very popular modern hymns including the “Power of the Cross” and “In Christ Alone.” They also have composed a few songs that reflect on the birth of Jesus. Of these new Christmas songs, my favorite is “Joy Has Dawned.”

In “Joy Has Dawned,” each verse reflects upon the paradox of the birth of Jesus Christ. Just some of the poetry in this song:

  • “Not with fanfare from above, not with scenes of glory, but a humble gift of love - Jesus born of Mary.”
  • “Hands that set the stars in place, shaped the earth in darkness, cling now to a mother’s breast, vulnerable and helpless.”
  • “Shepherds bow before the Lamb, gazing at His glory”
  • “Son of Adam, Son of heaven, given as a ransom; reconciling God and man, Christ our mighty champion!”

These statements remind me of Philippians 2:4-11, where the birth of Jesus is described as a step of tremendous humility - “though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:6-8).”

The humility Jesus shows is meant to do more than just inspire us, it is to instruct us with a model for our lives. If the Creator God humbled Himself in love to come to the earth for us, then we should (following that example) humble ourselves in service to others. As we sing “Joy has Dawned” today may the humble example of Jesus inspire us, for joy dawns not when we cling onto our lives and rights but when we freely give ourselves away in love for others.

Joy Has Dawned

Joy has dawned upon the world,
Promised from creation—
God’s salvation now unfurled,
Hope for ev’ry nation.
Not with fanfares from above,
Not with scenes of glory,
But a humble gift of love—
Jesus born of Mary.

Sounds of wonder fill the sky,
With the songs of angels
As the mighty Prince of Life
Shelters in a stable.
Hands that set each star in place,
Shaped the earth in darkness,
Cling now to a mother’s breast,
Vuln’rable and helpless.

Shepherds bow before the Lamb,
Gazing at the glory;
Gifts of men from distant lands
Prophesy the story.
Gold—a King is born today,
Incense—God is with us,
Myrrh—His death will make a way,
And by His blood He’ll win us.

Son of Adam, Son of heaven,
Given as a ransom;
Reconciling God and man,
Christ, our mighty champion!
What a Savior! What a Friend!
What a glorious myst’ry!
Once a babe in Bethlehem,
Now the Lord of hist’ry.

Dag 13Dag 15

About this Plan

The Christmas Carols: Past, Present, & Future Hope

This 30 day devotional examines one Christmas carol each day and reflects on how that song helps us to better understand and follow Jesus. Most carols are familiar to us…we sing them every year…but do we really grasp what they are talking about? In other words, when we look at “The Christmas Carols,” do we hear the hope of Christmas past, present, and future?
