Discover Your Call To InnovationSýnishorn

Discover Your Call To Innovation

DAY 2 OF 5


Created in the image of God, we innovate

It is truly incredible that God, the One who cast galaxies into existence, chose to breathe His life and likeness into humanity. In Psalm 8, looking at the rest of creation, David verbalizes his wonder in poetic praise: “O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! … When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?” (v. 1;3-4)

The rest of creation, all the animals and plants, God spoke into existence, but with Adam He reached down, took clay, and formed the first human. In a sense, humans were God’s first earthly innovation, using and improving what was previously created, the dust of the earth.

David notes the significance of this detail, along with the ongoing mandate to steward the rest of creation, in Psalm 8:5-6, “You have made [humans] a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands.” Even after the Fall, with the ground cursed with weeds and thorns, God’s intended order still remained intact.

Today, as His albeit imperfect image bearers, we still reflect our Creator’s attributes and characteristics. This is our crowning glory among all other created things, that God breathed His life into us, imparting His likeness. And whenever we live into that likeness, whenever we heed the calling on our lives to steward, create, and innovate, that is when we most reflect our Creator.

Quite simply, since we were created in the likeness of God, we will only find our deepest desires for personal fulfillment when we are working as He created us. While sin veils our understanding, God calls out to us through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s presence with us, reminding us of who we are. We are designed to be like Him, creating and innovating as we reflect Him to a world that has forgotten its Creator.

Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Discover Your Call To Innovation

In this five-day reading plan, discover why Christian innovation is not simply a human effort to improve or create new value. It is part of the Creator’s identity and therefore part of ours, as His creation. To innovate, Christians follow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to better serve others, point people to Christ, and steward what God has given us to restore this world to Him, for His glory.
