Fresh Start With GodSýnishorn

Fresh Start With God

DAY 6 OF 8

Throughout our journey as Christians, we'll face a wide variety of experiences and situations. There will be "mountaintop" experiences, full of joy and victory, and there will be "valley" experiences where we face challenges and our faith is tested. The awesome thing is, God promises to be with us every step of the way. He knew we'd need guidance to make decisions, comfort when our hearts are heavy, and correction to help us stay on course. That's why He gave us the Holy Spirit.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is a person. How do we know? Think about some of the qualities and characteristics you and I have as people: we have a mind, emotions and a will. We see from God's Word that the Holy Spirit has these qualities as well.

The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit is not part-God, but fully God. There is one God, eternally existing in three equal persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. Our God is a triune God, meaning He is three in one. Jesus speaks of His Father and the Holy Spirit distinctly in John 14:26 when He says, "The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."

The Holy Spirit is the person of God in the now. Once Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day, He had complete victory over sin and death. He then ascended into Heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come down and dwell within all believers. That means that He is always with us, strengthening, comforting and leading us every moment of our lives. He is the person of God in the now, and He lives inside of us!

What is the baptism with the Holy Spirit? The word baptize essentially means "to immerse." Holy Spirit baptism is an infilling experience that takes place when we open our lives to God without reservation, and we ask Him to baptize (immerse) us with His Holy Spirit. When we're filled with the Spirit, there are some specific results that we'll begin to experience in our lives. These are some of the results that were evident in Jesus' life:

Direction. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit. I think one of the greatest benefits of the Holy Spirit is that He gives our lives direction. We don't need to live in confusion or have a sense of hesitation surrounding our lives. We can walk in confidence and boldness, knowing that the Holy Spirit is directing our steps.

Power. The power of the Holy Spirit enables us to do three important things: to live out our faith in front of friends and family, to overcome the challenges and problems we're facing, and to live the full, flourishing life that Jesus promised. The effects and results of the Holy Spirit should impact our daily lives–not just our Sunday, but our Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I like to say it this way: the power of God is not only powerful, but also practical.

Purpose. God put His Spirit on Jesus for the cause of bringing hope, freedom and restoration to all people. When we are anointed, or covered with the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to accomplish what would be beyond our ability in the natural. The anointing helps us accomplish what God has called us to do. Jesus was anointed for a purpose. A clear result of being Spirit-filled is you will be "others" focused. The power of the Holy Spirit will enable you to fulfill God's purpose for your life. Ultimately, that purpose will be about helping others.

Spiritual Gifts. God gives us spiritual gifts to strengthen and build up the body of Christ. God has given you a unique set of spiritual gifts that help you contribute to the body as a whole. As we release our gifts, the body of Christ is strengthened and equipped to help people.

Character Change. When the Holy Spirit is present in our lives, an internal transformation begins to take place in our mind, spirit and soul. He empowers us to develop the kind of character that God desires us to have. The Holy Spirit also helps us overcome the power of sin and live a life of freedom and victory.

In studying Acts 1 we see that baptism with the Holy Spirit is an experience distinct from salvation, although it can occur simultaneously. We find that baptism with the Holy Spirit was a normal and expected experience in New Testament times, and that the experience is for everyone who has accepted Jesus in our present day. If you desire more of His presence in your life, begin with these steps:

Remove all Barriers. Things like anger, unforgiveness or other sins will keep us from receiving this great gift. It's important that we remove things in our lives that could block us from connecting with God freely.

Request the Holy Spirit. God desires to give us good gifts, and the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest gifts He offers us. The Bible tells us that if we ask, God will gladly give us the Holy Spirit.

Release the Gifts. Step out in faith and begin exercising the gifts that come as a result of the Holy Spirit's presence in your life. As you do, you'll be strengthened and built up in your own life and be equipped to serve those around you.

Prayer for the Baptism with the Holy Spirit:

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I'm hungry for all that you have for me. Your Word promises that those who hunger will be filled. I believe that it is your will to give me this great gift of baptism with the Holy Spirit. I ask you to forgive me of my sin [confess specifically anything that's on your heart or mind]. I know your heart toward me is good and you only want to give me good things, so I receive it by faith right now. Baptize me and fill me with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, amen.

Reflection Questions

1. Do you have thoughts or mindsets about the Holy Spirit that do not line up with God’s Word?
2. What are some areas in your life that could benefit from the Holy Spirit working in a greater way?
3. Are there barriers in your heart or mind that you know you need to deal with? Things like unforgiveness, sin, fear or uncertainty about the Holy Spirit could hinder you from fully experiencing this awesome gift of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
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About this Plan

Fresh Start With God

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that God promises a fresh start to anyone. Through Jesus Christ, we can have forgiveness, freedom and a future filled with hope and purpose. This 8-day reading plan will help you discover foundational truths from God's Word and give you practical steps to help you grow and become all that God created you to be.
