The 5 Pillars of Dynamic Christian CouplesSýnishorn

The 5 Pillars of Dynamic Christian Couples

DAY 5 OF 5


So what does faith in your marriage look like? Here is our definition: “ Expanding the unwavering belief that your marriage will be what God purposed it to be.” -Pastor Tai & Dr. Sh'nai.

In Hebrews 11: 1-3 we get another perspective from God's Word. None of our marriages start off where God ordained it to be. It's our trust and belief in Him that "this is not for nothing," that helps us move to the destination. Verse 6 puts a stamp on the importance of faith. Without it, we cannot please God!

Your marriage needs your faith! Faith that it will work and that you will work the other four pillars, Companionship, Communication, Investment, and Love. James chapter 2 beginning at the 17th verse helps us understand that our faith is a verb. You must work it to improve your marriage. Here's how:

  • Your love for each other will activate your faith. Remember love is “The pursuit of conscious and active attention to your spouse’s needs.” When you are operating in Love there is an investment that is required.
  • Your investment in your marriage is the “Deposit of your intimate resources for the success of your marriage.” How you communicate your investment will tell your spouse how much your marriage and your relationship means.
  • Communication is “Hearing the heart of your spouse!” When it's not all about you and your needs, you win too because you are listening to yourself when you listen to your spouse. What benefits from your communication? Your companionship!
  • Who would not want to be closer to and feel closer to someone who walks out their faith with them, with love, all while investing in communication that creates a strong bond?
  • Remember our definition of companionship? "Using play and camaraderie to fortify an intimate alliance.” Your companionship feels so much better when all of these pillars are being worked on and are growing.

Start using these five pillars. You will not recognize yourself or your marriage. Then when those who know you see the growth and the energy that you two share. How God has knitted you together and how you complement each other. They will look at you both and say: "Now that's a dynamic Christian couple!"

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About this Plan

The 5 Pillars of Dynamic Christian Couples

This plan is for all Christian couples, those getting ready to walk in covenant and those who have already made the vow before God and man, to do all of those things "until death do us part." This five-day devotional focuses on Pastor Tai and Dr. Sh'nai's 5 pillars for creating a dynamic relationship with your partner.
