What Jesus Said About the Poor and NeedySýnishorn

What Jesus Said About the Poor and Needy

DAY 2 OF 5

The Sevenfold Mercy Ministry of the Church

Luke 4:18: The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed...

Through the ages, many churches defined the responsibility of caring for the poor, needy, and marginalised into seven things. It is sometimes called the Sevenfold Mercy Ministry. This comes mainly from Matthew 25:34-46, but also other references in the Bible.

1. Feed the hungry.

2. Give a drink to the thirsty.

3. Clothe the naked.

4. Shelter people experiencing homelessness.

5. Visit the sick.

6. Visit the imprisoned.

7. Bury the dead.

These acts of mercy and kindness opened people's hearts to the gospel. But they were, in the first place, done because Jesus commanded His followers to emulate His compassion and care for people.

Obedience: To what extent are you involved in the needs of other people? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you and get involved in a ministry that cares for the poor, needy, broken, and addicted – people who need help.

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About this Plan

What Jesus Said About the Poor and Needy

We have poor people all around us. God is serious about the fact that the church needs to care for the poor - and we neglect it. This reading plan addresses that need.
