What's the Hurry?Sýnishorn

What's the Hurry?

DAY 4 OF 5

Day 4: Cherish Your Blessings

With the hustle and bustle of life, we can easily forget to enjoy our blessings. Are you a good steward of your blessings? Are you careful and prudent with the responsibilities given to you? Take time today to ponder this and consider your actions.

When my now teenagers were toddlers (only 16 months apart), I would complain about how hard it was to juggle everything. I complained about feeding them (oh, the mess), changing diapers, bathing them, and picking them up from daycare after a long day at work. I felt overwhelmed and frequently stressed. I focused on the next milestone, or age, where I would have less to do. Older and wiser adults would tell me, “You’re gonna miss this age.” I would scoff at them and say (quite assuredly), “No, I won’t!” The reality is that I do not miss all the crazy, busy days full of chores. However, I do miss not taking advantage of every opportunity to enjoy their innocent, cute smiles and wiggly toes. I miss their cuddly hugs and kissing the tops of their soft, curly-haired heads. They were right. I do miss it. Everyday.

Our jobs, positions, possessions, children, spouses, and friends are all blessings. Some do not get the pleasure of having these blessings. That is why we should be grateful and good stewards of our blessings. In the words of the late Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

What's the Hurry?

Each day, I ask myself, “Why is everyone in such a hurry?” People are so stressed and in a rush that it is obvious our society has forgotten about the truly important things. This devotional is designed to help us refocus and invite Christ back into the center of our lives. When we focus on Him, everything else becomes secondary and a lot less stressful.
