40 Days in the Word - Power of the Word Sýnishorn

Theme | I Promise You Victory Over Death
From | Tim Biasetto
Verses | Revelation 1:18, 2 Samuel 14:14, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, John 11:25-26
Death is not God's intention for you and me. He created us for LIFE.
Death is the result of sin, our turning away from God. In the story of the fall of man found in Genesis 3, we see humanity make the choice to reject God and to position themselves in the place of God. This decision leads to their separation from God who is life, to be separated from life is to encounter death. What flowed from that decision to live apart from God led to death and decay touching every part of creation. Relationships crumbled, murder and corruption abounded; there was depravity on earth. Godlessness.
Jesus' mission was to reconcile humanity back to God, restoring the flow of life between God and humanity. Humanity in turn who were created in the image of God would carry His life into all creation and the presence of God would abound overcoming the power of sin and restoring life into our world by the power of the Spirit. This is the outworking of the prayer taught by Jesus that, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.
Eternal life is not just about going to Heaven when you leave Earth, but it is about heaven coming to Earth as you begin to walk out your life with the absence of death. In Jesus' resurrection we witness the reality of this promise of eternal life, He rose again, victorious over death. This life has begun for us on earth as we embrace Jesus' forgiveness and walk with God each day, allowing His Kingdom to be present in us and impact the world through us. This life is not only present while we are alive on earth, but as Jesus rose again after death never to die again, so too we rise with Christ after our time on earth, victorious with Him over death forevermore.
Our eternal life is not just spiritual but is also physical in a mysterious way. God's ultimate plan of redemption includes redeeming creation in a new heaven and a new earth where God and humanity dwell together in the fullness of life and the absence of sin and death. No wonder God's final plan for creation through the return of Jesus and the culmination of history is referred to as Christian Hope. Life forevermore without the presence of sin and death… that will truly make you hopeful!
Prayer | Jesus, I thank You that You are victorious over sin and death. You have invited me through faith to share in Your victory. As I trust in You for the forgiveness of my sin, I experience a reconciliation with God that is eternal. I am grateful that Your life flows through me while I am here on earth and I look forward to my life with You forever more when my time on earth is done.
About this Plan

God often uses “40 days” to complete a spiritual challenge. The challenge can involve overcoming temptation like Jesus in the desert, or preparing for an encounter with God like Moses on Mount Sinai, or the strengthening of an individual’s faith exemplified in stories like Noah’s Ark, Jonah, or David and Goliath. Over the next 40 days, we will engage with the Word, seek God, and take hold of His promises.