40 Days in the Word - Power of the Word Sýnishorn

Theme | I Will Set You Free From Sin
From | Aziza Green
Verses | John 8:34-36, Romans 6, Psalm 51:15-17, Ephesians 2:1-10
In 1960 Edith Piaf released her last great song, titled Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, “No, I don't regret anything”. That popular song remains one of the most recognisable tunes today, the strains of which you may recall from Hollywood movies.
Somehow, this sense of living with “no regrets” has taken hold in modern culture. Unredeemed regret burdens the heart with guilt and can immobilise a person in shame. In a culture that affirms every whim of human desire, any thought of regret or sin is relegated to the junk pile.
The reality is, we all have regrets. Choices that we’ve made out of our own pain, longing or foolishness that have hurt others and ourselves. Romans 3:23 says,“ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” Despite voicing the anthem of “no regrets,” even Piaf’s life was devastated by many regrettable choices, which led to alcoholism, failed relationships, drug abuse, financial ruin, and her untimely death.
Each and every human on the planet, even the greatest heroes in the Bible were sinners. This sin in our lives harms us, damages our relationships and, worst of all, separates us from God.
So what can we do about the problem of sin in our lives? What does God want from us?
- To fast and pray until we feel free of sin?
- To make a sacred vow to never ever sin in that way again?
- To make an impressive sacrifice to atone for our failings?
No, none of that will do.
The kindness and the beauty of God is that He has made a way for us back to Him. That ‘way’ is a person called Jesus Christ, who gave His life as a sacrifice, a finished work, for our salvation. All God wants is Your heart, my heart, open and honest before Him. Psalm 51:17 calls it “a broken and contrite heart.” One that says “God, I’m a sinner. I am sorry. I need Your mercy and grace. I humbly receive Jesus as my Saviour.”
When we repent and turn from our sin to God, He receives us with open arms. My mess, my sin is no longer a heavy yoke on my shoulders. It is cancelled. My sin is transformed into a croak of praise, a testimony of God’s love. I once was blind but now I see. I was sick and you made me whole. I was dead in sin, but You made me alive in Christ!
Prayer | God, Your love for me is immeasurable! Though I was a sinner, You made a way for me back to You. You call me Your beloved, Your child. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your rest. Amen.
About this Plan

God often uses “40 days” to complete a spiritual challenge. The challenge can involve overcoming temptation like Jesus in the desert, or preparing for an encounter with God like Moses on Mount Sinai, or the strengthening of an individual’s faith exemplified in stories like Noah’s Ark, Jonah, or David and Goliath. Over the next 40 days, we will engage with the Word, seek God, and take hold of His promises.