Identification - Who Am I?Sýnishorn

Identification - Who Am I?

DAY 1 OF 3

Claiming and Walking in Your Identity

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God". - Romans 8:14 (NKJV)

In a world rife with identity crisis, we often mistake catchy phrases for the truth of the Gospel. These catchphrases can easily become tools that shape distorted mindsets.

One of these catchphrases is “follow your heart”. The Bible clearly states that the heart of man is desperately wicked. Thus, we cannot expect to be accurately led by our hearts or feelings. As sons of God, we are led by the Spirit of God that dwells within us.

Another catchphrase- “believe in yourself” is a misleading mantra. Self-belief is limiting and our best abilities fall short. No one is truly self-sufficient. We can’t save ourselves any more than a drowning person can. "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God". - 2 Corinthians 3:5 (NKJV). Our belief should be in God as our Savior, our Present Help in times of need.

You must have heard the phrase “Live your Truth” as well. This saying falls short of the fleeting promise of liberty people seek. The Bible says “You shall know THE Truth and the Truth will set you free”. The Truth as referred to in Scriptures is a Person and His Name is Jesus. Liberation and liberty come from knowing Jesus - The Truth. Any other path leads to shadows of guilt and condemnation.

God’s Love is consistent and evident throughout the Bible and expressed as He gave us Jesus to free us from the shackles of sin.

Through Christ's Redeeming ‘Love’ Sacrifice, we are ushered into possibilities, abilities, and rights as members of His Family. Simply believing in Him grants us the authority to be called Sons of God. The world does not give identity to or define the Believer. What fully and truly defines us as Believers is Christ. "It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for." - Ephesians 1:11 (MSG)

As a Believer, your Identity is now in Christ! You are not bound to limitations, Earthly constraints, or sin’s controlling influence. You are now seen as the Righteousness of God! 2 Corinthians 5:21 (AMPC)

This Identity in Christ shapes our reality - not our circumstances or feelings. Our pedigree, professions, and status while valuable, are limited in defining our True Identity. Through our Identity in Christ, we have the supernatural advantage. By renewing our minds with the Truth of God’s Word, we align with what Christ has done for us and understand our Identity in Him. This inner transformation that has happened in the Believer is not subject to his environment or situation.

We must never cease to acknowledge this as our essential reality. The enemy seeks to distort our Identity by making us believe we are subdued because of past or present experiences but we must reject that lie and acknowledge our God-given Identity through Christ!

Dear Believer, regardless of the circumstances you face today, you are in Christ and you are powerfully helped by God. You are backed, supported, and defended by your Father who has never lost a battle! You have victory in His Name. Let your confession regarding that situation reflect what the Lord says about you. Claim your identity in the Lord and walk in that Identity today. Spend some time acknowledging your Identity in Christ with these declarations today;

I am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus

I am in Christ, I am not in crisis

My Identity is in Christ

I am accepted in the Beloved

I am passionately loved by God

I am powerfully helped by God

I am the Healed of the Lord

I enjoy Divine Health

Nothing is against me

Nothing dies in my hands

I am never stranded

I am always victorious

I have the supernatural advantage because I am in Christ!

Dag 2

About this Plan

Identification - Who Am I?

Many people in our world today struggle with the question ‘Who am I?’ and lack answers. The excessive use of different pseudonyms, pronouns, and titles are evidence of how much identity crisis people experience today. These fleeting labels fall short of capturing the profound riches of each person’s reality in God. Join us for the next 3 days as we explore our Identity in God through Christ.
