Daily Prayers for MenSýnishorn

Daily Prayers for Men

DAY 6 OF 10

Reconcile First

"Therefore, if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." MATTHEW 5:23-24 NASB

In Jesus’s day, presenting an offering at the altar was a form of worshiping God—a way of honoring God by praising Him and focusing attention on Him. Worship draws you closer to God, but Jesus said that conflict with another person interrupts your relationship with God. And you need to fix it. Notice where the responsibility lies. If someone has something against you, your job is to take the first step toward reconciliation. It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. It doesn’t matter what circumstances led to the conflict. Think of it as part of your offering to God. You sacrifice your pride and ego to make amends so that you can worship God with a clean relational slate. Romans 12:18 says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people” (NASB). If you work toward that goal, God will use your efforts to accomplish extraordinary things.

God, thank You for caring about my broken relationships. Thank You for placing such a priority on healing them. I don’t want them to interfere with my relationship with You. Make me aware of the people I need to reconcile with. Remind me of the circumstances that led to each break. Give me the strength and humility I need to restore those relationships—or at least do my part in asking for forgiveness and working toward peace.

Help me prepare my heart so that it's ready to worship and glorify You. Amen.

Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

Daily Prayers for Men

Some days we're too busy. Some days we simply don't have the words. But the longer we put off our prayers, the more struggle and frustration we feel due to our distance from God. This reading plan for men is designed to build the regular habit of intentional prayer, offering inspiration for carving out time to communicate with our King and experience the fullness of joy in His presence.
