Real Hope: Hope in the Life of PeterSýnishorn

Real Hope: Hope in the Life of Peter

DAY 3 OF 7

Do You Want To Walk On Water?

One night the disciples found themselves in the midst of the Sea of Galilee, their boat battered by boisterous winds. Then a surreal sight unfolded before their eyes: Jesus, walking on the water. The sheer impossibility of it struck fear into their hearts. In that moment, Jesus’ reassuring words broke the silence: ‘Take courage, it is I! Don’t be afraid’ (Matthew 14:27b).

It was a pivotal moment demanding a response from the disciples. Would they make room for Jesus in their boat, step onto the waves, or remain paralyzed by fear? Amidst the disciples, it was Peter who displayed unwavering faith. To declare, ‘Lord, if it is [really] You, command me to come to You on the water’ (v28), was an extraordinary act of faith. Peter’s words set him apart as the one who believed. He was so convinced of Jesus’ divinity that he ventured out of the boat, ready to walk on the water alongside Him. Peter was the sole disciple who dared to take that remarkable step of faith.

Most know the rest of the narrative: Peter stepped out onto the water, doubt crept in, and he began to sink. Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ (Matthew 14:31). Yet, consider that these words weren’t merely a reprimand but also an encouragement. Jesus acknowledged Peter’s initial faith, the courage to step out of the boat, and a gentle reminder not to let doubt overcome faith.

Let it inspire us to trust, to step out in faith, and to refocus on Him when doubt threatens to pull us into the depths of uncertainty.


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About this Plan

Real Hope: Hope in the Life of Peter

We may not literally walk on water these days, but as you follow along these seven days you may recognize some of Peter's challenges in your own life. Perhaps you feel that God is calling you into something that scares you or maybe you are battling feelings of failure or self-judgement. Let this devotional inspire you to trust, step out in faith, and refocus on Him this week.
