Milestones - Salvation, Baptism, CommunionSýnishorn

The choices we make in life have consequences. If we choose to misbehave at school, the consequence might be detention at lunchtime. If we choose to eat healthy and exercise, the consequence is a healthy life and a strong body. If we choose to skip practicing a musical instrument that we’re trying to master, the consequence might be that it takes a lot longer to get any good at playing it. If we choose to study for a test and do our best, the consequence is that we will do well and pass the test.
We all have sin in our lives. We make choices to do the wrong thing and live life our own way instead of God’s way. The consequence is separation from God. The best choice a person can make is to choose to say sorry for their sin and accept Jesus as their Saviour. Salvation means being saved from the punishment for our sins. Jesus had no sin, and He took the consequence of our sin upon Himself so that we can be made right with God.
Once we are saved, it doesn’t mean we are instantly perfect. We still mess up and make mistakes; we learn and grow on the journey to becoming more like Christ. When we make mistakes, we don’t need to live in guilt and shame; we can confess our sins - that means taking them to God. We can come to God and ask Him to forgive us. We aren’t back to square one; God will always be by our side.
About this Plan

Discover three important Christian milestones – Salvation, baptism, and communion. Salvation is accepting Jesus as your Saviour. Baptism is declaring new life with Christ. Communion is remembering all that Jesus has done for us.