In Security – Ems HancockSýnishorn

In Security – Ems Hancock

DAY 1 OF 10


In Security – Living A Confident Life

We all have an “insecurity alarm” that a certain kind of person will set off. Perhaps it is the mum who can run up a set of fully-lined curtains in an hour, or the guy whose new business wins awards? Someone you know will press your alarm.

I hate that I can be self-doubting. But it’s true. I am, at times, insecure and so are you. So why do we lack confidence and where did that come from?

In Genesis 3:1 we read, “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals … He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden”?’”

This question introduces Eve to an unfamiliar sensation: the feeling of insecurity.

Until that point, she and Adam had been totally secure. They had no worries or fears. They had enough to eat. They didn’t notice that they may have been slightly chilly. They were happy to gad about in the garden, unencumbered by clothing of any kind. But now they had a new companion: DOUBT. They doubted God. They doubted themselves. They doubted each other. Perhaps they doubted that they suited fig leaves!

Insecurity is based on doubt. It asks deep questions like, “Do I matter? Am I important? Am I loved?” To add to insecurity there is nearly always a large helping of what I call “comparisonitis”. “Am I prettier than her? Can I deliver a presentation better than him?”

A wonderful verse in Isaiah 54:17 says this: “But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord….” (AMP)

As we start this new devotional plan together, I want you to pause and look at this truth again. This verse means that peace, righteousness, security and triumph are YOUR heritage.

As servants and children of our heavenly Dad, we have an inherited right to security. It is what God wants, intends and makes available for us.

Prayer: Thank you Father that you want me to be secure. Help me look to you for my identity and peace. Amen.


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About this Plan

In Security – Ems Hancock

'Insecurity is based on doubt. It asks deep questions like “Do I matter? Am I important? Am I loved?” It also asks shallower questions like, “Does this suit me? Can I get away with this haircut?” Whoever you are and whatever you do, you will have times when you feel insecure. This plan offers simple practical ways to apply biblical truth when insecurity strikes.
