A Few Words Before I GoSýnishorn

A Few Words Before I Go

DAY 4 OF 13

Moses encouraged his people to trust God

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them [enemies], for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

The people of Israel had been traveling for forty years from Egypt to Canaan, the land God had promised them. This journey took so long because the people had not trusted God. God had miraculously delivered them from Egypt, led them through the desert, given them His laws, provided them with food and water ... but when they were about to enter Canaan, they were afraid of the people already living there. They did not trust God's help but made their own assessment of the situation. Their conclusion was: this is not going to work for us. As punishment for this unbelief, God made the people travel around the desert for forty years until all the adults had died. Then the next generation was allowed to take possession of the promised land. But by then Moses, the man who had been in charge all those years, was already 120 years old. He would no longer go with the people, but would die on the border. That must have been a difficult moment for many Israelites. For as long as they could remember, Moses had been their leader. Moreover, he had direct contact with the Lord God. How could they go on without him? “It is the LORD your God who goes with you,” Moses assured them.

Do you also believe that God goes with your loved ones when you have to say goodbye to them?

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About this Plan

A Few Words Before I Go

It’s often hard to say goodbye to people. Especially if they are leaving for a long time or even dying. In such situations, we attach great importance to the last words someone tells us. In the Bible we also read several examples of people who had something important to say before they died or left. Let’s read their last words together.
