Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & PrayerSýnishorn

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

DAY 4 OF 21


Have you ever made a resolution to improve your health that you did not see through? Whether it’s going on a diet, exercising more or sleeping better, these goals all sound great when we’re setting them. But more often than not, we fall short of reaching these goals. We may have one or two good days, or even a good week, but sometimes even the best of us don’t see these resolutions through.

Sometimes we face the same struggle trying to put God first in our lives. It could be that we find it hard to spend time reading the Bible or praying. We may have occasional powerful encounters with God, but slowly, life has a way of dragging us away from Him. We need to continually re-order our lives and make sure we put the first things first. Here are three truths that will encourage you to put God first in your life.

The first truth is: We desperately need God. When we make spending time with God simply a routine, we underestimate our need to be with Him. God is the source of all life. He allows us to draw close to Him and gives us access into His presence, where we find joy, strength, peace and all that we need. We need to put God first because without Him, we are nothing!

The second truth is: God provides when we put Him first. Matthew 6:33 says that if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all other things that we need will be added to us! God does not take away from us or deprive us from something better. When we give our best to God, He is more than able to give us everything we need in return.

The third truth is: Today is the best time to put God first! Unlike new year resolutions, we don’t need to wait till January 1 to choose to put Him first in our lives. Start with the small decisions - making time to meet with God first thing in the morning, faithfully giving your tithe to Him, making decisions based on the Word of God - and watch as He blesses you for honouring and placing Him first!


Which of these truths speaks most to you? What will you do to apply the truth in your life?

Ask God to show you an area of your life where you might not have put Him first. What small steps can you take to put Him first in that area?


Lord, help me to put You first. I want You to be the first in my thoughts, decisions and actions. I choose to prioritise You in my life today. Show me how I can arrange my life to put You first in all that I do. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

As we begin a new year and come before God in the next 21 days of fasting and prayer, God will renew our faith, launch new dreams, and release us into our destiny. Our theme for these 21 days is ‘Open Heaven’. Under an Open Heaven, there’s a greater sense of God’s presence, clarity in hearing His voice, and a release of His favour and power on our lives.
