Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & PrayerSýnishorn

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

DAY 18 OF 21


The Bible is full of stories of God’s supernatural provision. In Exodus, God provided manna and quail for the Israelites as they journeyed in the wilderness after leaving Egypt. In Matthew, God multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish and fed 5,000 in one sitting. Today, we serve the same God of the Bible who is more than able to supernaturally provide for all our needs. We can access the supernatural provision of God in the following ways:

Acknowledge God as our Provider. Jesus demonstrated this in the feeding of the 5,000, where He looked to heaven and acknowledged His Father before performing the miracle. Acknowledge that all you have comes from God, and that He is more than able to supply what you need. Giving thanks to God for His provision is a simple way of acknowledging Him as our source.

Know that God’s supply is unlimited. God supplies us from His glorious riches which never run out. God Himself is infinite and He gives to us out of His inexhaustible treasury of wealth. Faith is the currency of heaven. Through faith, we can stand on His promises and know that God’s bank cannot run dry.

Give much and you will receive much. God will supply our needs and will use us at times to be His channel to supply the needs of others. In 1 Kings, the widow of Zarephath gave to the prophet Elijah her last meal which was everything she had to live on. God intervened to supernaturally provide for her and the prophet during the famine. As we sow much, we can expect to reap much.

As we live under an Open Heaven, God will pour out his provision and blessing beyond what we can expect, so that we may experience an abundant and overflowing life!


Which areas in your life are you believing God to provide for?

God works supernaturally when we are at the limits of what is naturally possible. What is a step of faith God is asking you to take? Take it, and see how that unlocks the supernatural provision of God.


Dear God, I acknowledge that all I have comes from You. I believe You will never fail to provide for all my needs. Help me to have the faith to put my trust in You, and to look to You to fulfil all my needs. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dag 17Dag 19

About this Plan

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

As we begin a new year and come before God in the next 21 days of fasting and prayer, God will renew our faith, launch new dreams, and release us into our destiny. Our theme for these 21 days is ‘Open Heaven’. Under an Open Heaven, there’s a greater sense of God’s presence, clarity in hearing His voice, and a release of His favour and power on our lives.
