Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & PrayerSýnishorn

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

DAY 12 OF 21


As a child, we feel safe knowing that we belong, and there is a sense of authority when we are in the house. We can freely access things in the house when we know our parents give us permission to. We belong! This is what Romans 8 says - our Heavenly Father has adopted us as His own children!

We can be confident in the relationship we have with our Father. Even if your relationship with your biological father was not perfect, we can be sure that God is the good and perfect Heavenly Father. 1 John 3:1 reiterates this when it says, “See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!” He is a good Father. We don’t have to second-guess His intentions towards us, or feel the need to strive for His approval. He is a perfect Father who loves us unconditionally!

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father’s heart to you. If your view of God has been shaped by past negative experiences or identities that others have tried to place on you, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what the Father’s heart really is. Declare Romans 8:15-16 over your life today because you belong to God! Allow this truth to transform the way you relate with your Heavenly Father. We can approach God with honesty and vulnerability, and boldly enter into His presence.

It is an honour and privilege to be called sons and daughters of the Most High God! We have this access to God as His children and can tap into all of the good things and blessings that He desires to pour out on us. Start today by declaring whose you are - you are a child of the Living God, and He is your Father. He loves you and protects you. He has good plans for your life and there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God!


Have past experiences distorted the way you see God, and what He thinks about you? Surrender these experiences to the Father today and let Him assure you of your identity as His child.

Thank God for the privilege of being His child and start to have honest conversations with God about your life, your circumstances, your feelings and your struggles. He cares for you and you belong to Him!


Thank You Lord, for the awesome privilege to call You ‘Abba, Father’ and to have this confidence in knowing whose I am. Because of this, I now come boldly into Your presence and receive freely all You have for me - Your unconditional love and overwhelming goodness! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dag 11Dag 13

About this Plan

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

As we begin a new year and come before God in the next 21 days of fasting and prayer, God will renew our faith, launch new dreams, and release us into our destiny. Our theme for these 21 days is ‘Open Heaven’. Under an Open Heaven, there’s a greater sense of God’s presence, clarity in hearing His voice, and a release of His favour and power on our lives.
