12 Rules for Life (Day 5 - 8)Sýnishorn

12 Rules for Life (Day 5 - 8)

DAY 2 OF 4

Day 6: Inner Reflection Before Outward Projection

Scripture: Matthew 7:5

"First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Quote from Jordan Peterson: “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”

Let the breezy shores of Galilee envelop you. Amidst fishermen and their tales, a lesson emerges. Before extending our hand to help another, our foundation should be firm.

The story of Peter, Christ’s disciple, is a GREAT example. Impetuous by nature, Peter had moments of doubt, like when he denied Jesus thrice. Yet, it was only after understanding his weaknesses that he became a pillar of the early church. Peterson's words mirror Christ's teachings. They emphasize introspection, a call to address personal turmoil before aiding the world.

Remember, it’s not about achieving perfection but understanding oneself deeply.

Just the other day I turned on the news and watched person after person judging someone who they did not know. Later in the day, I opened up social media and watched in horror as the exact thing was happening. It was after these two instances that I decided to share something.

I simply said, “2 Pac had it right when he sang, ‘Only God can judge me.’”

My soul hurts when I see others berating others. I wonder why they would feel the need to destroy someone else?

I’m reminded of Jesus when the religious leaders found the woman caught in the act of adultery, Jesus simply wrote in the sand. Instead of the men around her stoning her - they walked away.

I feel the need to ask who you need to forgive right now? What person have you judged that you need to bring before the Lord?

Please, take your time and sit with the Holy Spirit. This is not a race - this is a reckoning before the Lord. He desires your whole heart, mind, and soul. He has forgiven you so much. He wants you to do the same.

Let’s reflect on a few questions:

  • Where in your life are you quick to judge without addressing your personal biases?
  • How can understanding your own frailties help you empathize with others?
  • How can you set your personal world in order before extending a helping hand?

Affirmation: "Today, I choose introspection, seeking to understand myself, then extending understanding to others."


About this Plan

12 Rules for Life (Day 5 - 8)

Dive into this continuation devotional inspired by Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," but with a soul-stirring twist! Dive into Days 5-8 where Jordan Peterson's wisdom meets timeless Biblical truths. This isn't just Peterson's '12 Rules for Life'; it's a spiritual journey anchored in the Bible, tailored for today's soul-searcher. Elevate your spiritual game and find deeper meaning in the familiar.
