How to Reach Your Co-WorkersSýnishorn

How to Reach Your Co-Workers

DAY 4 OF 5


The Bible tells us to “be quick to hear, slow to speak…” (James 1:19)

This week, have further conversations with the colleagues for whom you are praying, possibly referring to something they said in a previous talk.

Spirit-led listening means asking God to show you your friend's spiritual condition and how to find an entry point for the Gospel. Ask the Father to direct you on how to respond.

Look for things that:

  • show their need for God.
  • reveal a desire to know God.
  • would be a door to share the good news.

God will open doors, so we should “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)

As you have been praying, noticing, serving, asking, and listening to your colleagues, God has prepared an open door for you to share about your relationship with Jesus.

Initiate Spiritual Conversations

This week, jump into a "God talk" with your colleagues based on something you have discussed with them. Ask if you could share something that has made a difference in your life. You might share the difference God makes in a particular area of your life or your testimony or go straight to the gospel.

For example, “At times, I feel overwhelmed and worried about what’s ahead. Having a personal relationship with God and spending time with Him has helped me with my anxiety and fears. I didn’t even know a relationship with God was possible before I became a believer. Can I tell you more about that?”

There are many ways we can share the message of salvation. What ideas and/or tools have you seen or used that you could try? Now for some homework ... go to to find resources and tools to help equip you to talk about Jesus. You're not alone.

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

How to Reach Your Co-Workers

Does sharing your faith scare you? This 5-day reading plan focuses on simple ideas to help us share Jesus among our co-workers. Learn organic, relational ways to respond to the opportunities God has placed before you to share your faith with your colleagues hungry for spiritual truth.
