Unlimited FaithSýnishorn

Unlimited Faith

DAY 1 OF 14

“Saving Faith Can Be Yours”

Saving faith is characterized by a sense of dependence.

Scripture promises that God will show us the path of life. Unless he does, we will inevitably wander in hopeless circles among the tombs of the dead, soon to lie down beside them in their darkness. We need the light of the world (John 8:12; 1:9) to shine upon us every moment, as the Psalmist says, “In Your light we see light” (Psalm 36:9).

The Lord fills the hungry with good things but turns the rich away. He pulls princes down from their thrones and exalts beggars from their dunghills. When we know we are weak, we are strong:

The way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps (Jeremiah 10:23 NKJV).

Saving faith grasps the merits of the Divine-human sacrifice for the sins of the world, and applies the merits of that sacrifice to one’s own soul.

It is the sense of dependence that characterized the lepers Christ healed, the beggars he enriched, the despairing he encouraged, and the dying to whom he gave life. This same sense of dependence is the beginning and the root of saving faith.

How deep is your sense of dependence on Christ? What are some areas of your life in which you need to trust yourself less and trust Christ more? If you are feeling brave, ask someone close to you, since these are aspects of our lives to which we are often blind.

By Dr Des Ford
Dag 2

About this Plan

Unlimited Faith

Unlimited Faith helps you to deepen your faith in God, by teaching you how your trust in God can develop and grow. This is a reading plan for every Christian, and especially for you if you are going through a difficult time. The Unlimited Faith reading plan reassures you that God has not abandoned you. It powerfully challenges you to look to the Cross, and to remember God’s goodness to you, as well as including practical life applications.
