Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & WorrySýnishorn

Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & Worry

DAY 6 OF 7


"Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” Arthur Somers Roche

PRAY: Dear Jesus, thank You that You are my defender. And thank You, Holy Spirit, for giving me the words to say when I stand before Kings - or my boss, or an angry neighbor, and try to talk about my faith. I want You to teach me to have complete confidence in You so that You will give me the words to say, and the steps to take, to clearly express my faith. If I can fully trust in You to guide me and give me all that I need in every circumstance, then I will not feel worried about any conversation I will have about You. Thank you, Jesus!
REFLECT: When was the last time you had to talk about Jesus or defend your faith in front of other people? Was it a private conversation or did you give your testimony in front of a crowd? How did you handle it? Were you worried? Can you say that God gave you the words or directed your thoughts? Do you feel that He prepared the listener to hear the truth? What would you do differently? How would you prepare to be even more effective next time? Or if you've never talked about your faith with someone, why not?
ACT: One of the greatest fears of the Christian faith is to tell others about Jesus. And yet it's a command. We are not to force Jesus on anyone, but we do have to be prepared to give an account for the faith that we have within us. Pray for the Lord to bring someone into your life whom you can talk to about Jesus. And then ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words, and help you not to back down or stay silent out of fear. He will prepare you to stand before Kings if you ask Him. And then you can be a part of His work to reach everyone with the truth of His gospel.


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About this Plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & Worry

HPN wants to meet your personal spiritual needs and supply you a solid daily devotional, as well as encourage you to include praying for the people, the projects, and the incredible influence of the Hollywood entertainment industry.  We see it as the world’s most influential mission field and yet the people there struggle with the same issues that we do.  This week we’re facing one of the most powerful and debilitating emotions that we experience: ANXIETY/WORRY.  God tells us over and over again in His Word that we are not to worry, we’re not to feel anxious, and yet we struggle with it every day.  If we could truly trust God to give us wisdom, guide us in our thoughts and conversations and have the faith to let Him take care of the details of our life, we would feel freedom and joy, despite our circumstances.  Let’s try to master a sense of peace by giving our anxiety and worry to Him this week!
