Signs of GlorySýnishorn

Signs of Glory

DAY 1 OF 8

Water into Wine

The first sign miracle Jesus performed in His earthly ministry was turning water into wine. Jesus had just returned to Cana of Galilee from Bethany when He and His disciples were invited to join in the celebrations of a wedding. Jesus’ mother came to Him with a problem. The host had run out of wine. Jesus questioned why she would involve Him and said, “My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). It's interesting that though Jesus did not verbally offer to help His mother in Scripture, she immediately instructed the servants to do whatever He told them to do. She must have known He would help. This is the perfect example of how God expects His people to do everything they can to help accomplish His work on earth.

There were six ceremonial pots which Jesus had the servants fill with water and deliver to the master of the feast. The master was shocked that the drink they brought him was the finest wine of the event, exclaiming that the bridegroom generally brought the best first and not last. John writes, “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which He revealed His glory” (John 2:11). While this miracle may seem insignificant, it shows the power of Jesus to bring out new beginnings. The pots were empty and Jesus filled them anew. The Jews were under an old covenant, but He was about to bring a new covenant full of mercy and grace. Jesus used a very creative way to demonstrate His power over creation, which helped bring about the development of faith in those who witnessed or heard about Him.

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About this Plan

Signs of Glory

Water into wine. Feeding the multitudes. Walking on water. Jesus did some incredible things throughout His ministry! Let’s discover the eight sign miracles in John's gospel and see what they reveal to us about Jesus.
