YASociety - the Book of DanielSýnishorn

YASociety - the Book of Daniel

DAY 5 OF 5

Fearless Faith

By Ps Alex Ault

‘It takes faith to see your victory before you fight your battle’ – Ps Steven Furtick

I love this quote from Ps Steven Furtick, and I believe it summarizes the picture we see in Daniel chapter 6. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the story of Daniel being thrown into the Lion’s den, however I believe this story is more timely and relevant than ever in our season as Young Adults.

As we read through the book of Daniel, we see that Daniel was a man of prayer. He prioritized time with His Heavenly Father and stood out in boldness and confidence despite the current cultural climate. Daniel demonstrated a fear and awe of who God is, that is above the King’s orders and the manipulations of the wise men. I find too often that as Christians we allow the people around us to take us off the path of God’s plan for our life. We step back and permit them a foothold in our faith. We are easily distracted by the views of people, that we hold back in our calling and second guess our relationship with God. Daniel demonstrates that we need a God-centred identity that stands firm within the storm and says ‘regardless of what is happening around me, God I know you are the only answer. I will praise Your name despite my circumstance and find my identity only in You’.

The enemy and the world will work overtime for us to conform, to fit the mold. As God’s people it’s never promised that we won’t experience trials and tribulations, yet the King of Kings has called us and set us apart. Think of ways in which you might be under a worldly pressure. God is calling you back into alignment with Him and His spirit. Conviction from Him is not condemnation, as 1 John 3:20 says, ‘in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.’

This chapter highlights the beauty of the secret place, we see Daniel regularly seeking time with the Heavenly Father and thanking Him, despite being faced with adversity. As Ephesians 6:18 says, ‘pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.’ The fact that Daniel is willing to be thrown to the lions before he gives up the secret place, is an extensive confirmation of its purity and significance in our walk of faith. As young adults we need to rediscover the urgency of time spent in the secret place with God. I encourage you to form healthy and attainable spiritual disciplines around your life. Create the space for God to be your number one priority again. ‘When we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be added to you’ Matthew 6:33. Our God is a relational God, I pray that going to Him in prayer will be our first response not our last resort.

Once thrown into the Lion’s den, we read in verse 18 that the king experienced a sleepless night worrying for the fate of Daniel. At the first light of dawn, the king hurries to the den and cries out to Daniel. Daniel replies that God sent His angel who shut the lions’ mouth and he was not harmed. Amen! The ultimate picture of authority and power. I love the response the king gives in verse 26-27 giving glory to God. ‘‘People must tremble in fear before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God and He endures forever; His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His dominion has no end. He rescues and delivers; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth, for He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.’ I believe this paints the perfect portrayal of a God-honoring courage. Daniel slept in the lion’s den filled with a peace that transcends all understanding, while the king feared for him in his palace. Just like Daniel, we have been miraculously delivered! With the greatest deliverance of Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross. When we keep our eyes fixated on Jesus, moments of danger and uncertainty can be changed to moments of divine intervention.

Psalm 37:4 - ‘Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.’

As we close today’s devotion, I ask you to reflect on any lions that may be in your own life. This could be things like illness, disappointment, trauma etc. The story of Daniel is a reminder of victory in the name of Jesus – we are comforted by the reassurance of our Heavenly Father who has already won.


Dear God, thank You that You never give up on us. I pray we will have the courage to be fearless in our faith, to prioritize the secret place in our lives and to trust in You more and more each day. Direct us in the plans You have for our life and help us to stand on Your word because You are a faithful God. We pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

Dag 4

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YASociety - the Book of Daniel

In a world that demands our attention from every angle, we must stand firm in our Faith in God. Join our YASociety community on a 5-day reading plan and learn some valuable lessons from 'The Book of Daniel.'
