
Have you ever sat in a small group or a Sunday School class while other people shared what was going on in their lives? For those who feel ready, they share their deepest hurts and concerns, asking everyone to hear their burdens and pray for them.
Sometimes, the prayer requests seem relatable and familiar, but then there are times when what others share is pretty heavy.
We listen as people pour out their hearts, hoping for some sense of rescue and redemption. We watch as the other people in the group are moved with compassion and offer some sort of comfort.
It's then when we begin to feel a sense of uneasiness because things in our life don't seem as important as what other people are carrying. Are the challenges we're facing important? Absolutely! Yet, it may be tempting to begin to rate our prayer needs on a scale and feel like what we are dealing with is less important than what others are walking through.
When the "prayer scale" pops into our brains, we might wonder, "Why would God care about my smaller issues when everyone else's problems seem so big?"
Thankfully, there is no prayer that is unimportant to God. God cares about all of the things we care about . . . and God cares about the hardships other people are going through, too.
God doesn't have limited capacity to help us and show us compassion. As today's verse reminds us — God's love endures forever.
About this Plan

For the next four weeks, we’ll look at how the earliest followers of Jesus created a new kind of community as God's family. Through their example, we’ll learn that there is enough when we share what we have — and if there isn’t enough, God provides. We'll also learn that our actions can speak when words aren’t enough and that God’s love is always enough.