Holy Spirit DevotionalSýnishorn

Holy Spirit Devotional

DAY 2 OF 14


Hearing God is easy in His presence! When you’re in His presence, God will speak to you through visions, dreams, gentle whispers, the Word of God, an audible voice, a feeling, a sense, or even a knowing. All of these ways God speaks to us are made possible through the Holy Spirit who teaches us and guides us into all truth. We see this in John 16:13-14 when Jesus says, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you.” The Holy Spirit speaks the very words Jesus is speaking over you. That means, when you get into His presence every day and give Him the entire room, He speaks to you and teaches you His ways!

Evaluate your life and the areas you need the Lord to speak into. What council are you seeking right now? What area of your life do you need God to work in? What parts of your heart have you been holding back from the Lord? Right now, bring those requests to God and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you His ways! In John 14, when Jesus promises us that the Holy Spirit is coming, He specifically says, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can bear.” He has much more He wants to show you! Ask the Holy Spirit for His wisdom, His knowledge, and His truth. As you seek the Holy Spirit for His guidance, know that He will lead you into all truth. Things in your life won’t look the same once you obey what the Holy Spirit teaches you. He wants to transform you to look more like Jesus (Romans 8:29)! Surrender your heart to Him and let He who lives in you teach you what it means to live and look more like Jesus (Ezekiel 36:27).

Pray: Holy Spirit, teach me. Search my heart and find anything in me that doesn’t please You. I want to hear Your voice and learn from You Holy Spirit! Teach me your ways. My mind and my heart are open. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.

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About this Plan

Holy Spirit Devotional

This plan is a 2-week devotional to help you grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit. The vision of Mercy Culture Church is to take people from corporate encounters with God to daily personal encounters with God.
