The Good LifeSýnishorn

The Good Life

DAY 2 OF 3


I recently watched a movie titled “Sound of Freedom.” The movie follows the life of Tim Ballard, a federal agent who rescues trafficked children. In the story, Tim is faced with a difficult decision. He can either go to the jungles of Colombia and risk his life in order to rescue endangered children, or he can return home to the safety and comfort of his family and job. Tim believes that the right thing to do is to rescue the children, but making that decision would cost him almost everything: his job, his family, and possibly his life. Boldly, Tim decides that paying the cost to rescue these children would be worth the reward of having them safely returned to their families.

I’m sure that you’ve been faced with situations in your life when you were forced to weigh the costs of a decision. You probably face those decisions daily without knowing! Do I eat this candy bar, or do I eat this apple instead? Do I turn in my assignment late, or do work on it and submit it on time? Do I respond with a sarcastic comment, or do I speak kind, honoring words? Our decisions to do what is right could cost us our comfort, our time, or our pride, but they cost us something. Usually the cost is a difficult one to pay, but in the end, the reward is better.

In Luke 9:18-36, Jesus invites his disciples to follow Him, but it comes with a cost. If they really want to follow Him, they must be willing to die, meaning they would give up their own way of life by seeking to become like Jesus every day. Sounds crazy, right? Maybe, but what Jesus is offering them is rewarded with eternal life, which far outweighs the cost. Just as Jesus Himself must suffer, be judged, and killed, the disciples must be willing to do the same as true followers of Jesus. However, the reward for this kind of life is a far greater and fuller experience of life–the kind of life God longs for us to experience. While the price to pay is great, the reward is far greater!

Jesus is extending the same invitation to you, to give up your life and follow Him. It will cost you your comfort, your energy, your time, and maybe even your life, but the reward is greater. Will you choose to die to yourself and find life everlasting in Jesus?


  • What in my life do I struggle to give up in order to follow Jesus?
  • How can I surrender that to God so that I can freely follow Him?


Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

The Good Life

We know that the world and culture we live in offer competing claims against God’s direction and intention for his people. Which will we trust and choose to follow after? For this series, we are going to look at three invitations from Jesus on what God promises us in terms of purpose and fulfillment, and in all three, He beckons us to come to Him and experience life.
