Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through PrayerSýnishorn

Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer

DAY 3 OF 3

After we tear down the walls that we personally erect and position ourselves to knock on heaven’s door, what should be next in our prayer life? I believe the next key should be learning how to knock. And we are not talking about a wimpy knock either. We are talking about a powerful knock that rattles heaven every time we pray.

If we want our petitions to enter heaven with some power, we must first recognize that our God is not some distant god who is far off in another galaxy. He is right here in front of us, behind us, and beside us. He has the ability to hear us. He sees us and knows our requests even before we ask them. (Isaiah 65:24) So when praying, we must continuously be aware and even visualize a sovereign God and good Father who is earnestly waiting to hear our prayers to Him.

Although we are taught to come boldly before the throne (in Matthew), we must also recognize that His presence is holy and we should never jump in and out of prayer as if we are playing Double Dutch. I admit I sometimes rush through my study time and even my prayer life because I set the things of this world, and even some people, before a powerful and all-knowing God. I then wonder why my prayers are not answered, but now I know.

You see, the power here first comes with ultimately knowing to whom you are petitioning!

Secondly, I believe this next point is where the lack of knowledge affects the lack of power. We will not — I will repeat we will not — have powerful prayers without the power of the Holy Spirit. As I started seeking God about how to pray and listening to ordinary people pray, one major thing was missing, and that was the Holy Spirit. For some reason, the church lacks biblical teachings about the Holy Spirit because when He is mentioned our minds usually go to the supernatural, like signs and wonders. And usually, that frightens people. So we usually pray safe prayers like, “God if it be Your will.” But we do not earnestly seek the Spirit of God for His will.

Romans 8:26, 27 says, “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”

The question is what’s in your heart to search?

The reason that our prayers lack power is because our hearts are filled with everything but the promises of God. You see, the Spirit searches out the promises in our heart then takes them to the Father and says, “You must act.”

Prayer is the conduit where God Himself has placed a heavenly edict and decree upon Himself to act through His children to carry out His perfect Will here on Earth.

The Bible is filled with promises, however, if we don’t pray correctly, then we will find ourselves babbling on just like the pagans did and our lackluster prayers will fall short before they reach heaven’s door.

One day as I was praying, I felt the Holy Spirit say that the Angels are bored. I immediately received a revelation and believe one of the reasons behind this is that 'we' don't pray His promises. Let me help you out by providing some here: Promise of New Life 2 Corinthians 5:17, Promise of Forgiveness 1 John 1:9, Promise of Joy John 15:11… and there are many, many more. Search for God’s promises and also pray for them.

Next, we have the power of unity. The bible says in Matthew 18:19, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on Earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” God loves unity and the enemy hates it. (Why do you think there is such a war against marriages worldwide?)

This is why I have decided to try to be more intentional about all my relationships. We should not allow grievances to get in the way of our mission to bring forth God’s Kingdom. So let’s focus and really be in agreement about becoming unified, not for our sake, or our glory and pleasure, but for the overwhelming power it has on our prayers.

Lastly, and most importantly, we should never end our prayers without involving Jesus. God is pleased with His Son’s sacrifice, which paid the price for our sins. You see, Jesus is the one who has the line of credit in heaven, and we don’t. So we must allow Jesus’ name to be signed and/or stamped on every request that is brought before the Father so He can hear it. John 14:13-14 states, “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” Very simply, my friends, there is power in the name of Jesus!

I hope the Spirit unveiled some things you can work on because I know I am still personally learning how to pray more effectively. I do encourage you to dig deeper into the Word of God on this subject as we enter into some unstable days in our world. The one who knows how to pray and listen to God will be the one who remains in God’s Will. My prayer is that we all are prepared for these last days.


Father, teach me how to pray! Holy Spirit, train me in what to say. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Was this Plan helpful? We adapted this devotional from my book Thoughts From The Box: 31 Day Devotional. Thoughts From The Box are a collection of modern day parables. Take a walk with me as I share my God-given gift of experiencing everyday life events and turning them into moral lessons for all. Purchase the devotional today!

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About this Plan

Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer

These 3 keys could unlock everything! Have you ever prayed and felt like Heaven’s doors were shut? Well, you are not alone. Many Christians have felt this way. However, what if you had the keys to unlock doors and activate a constant line of communication from the throne room of God? Join Damien as he shares 3 fundamental Kingdom principles that will get Heaven’s attention immediately.
