Gracious Jesus 7 - the King CallsSýnishorn

Gracious Jesus 7 - the King Calls

DAY 2 OF 5

Jesus Calls Matthew

As Jesus calls the tax collector, Matthew, to follow Him, He reminds us that He chooses sinners, calls us to be faithful, and commissions us to be fruitful.

Matthew 9:31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Christ’s Choice

Jesus affirms in John 15:16, “You have not chosen me! I have chosen you”. On what basis does Christ choose?

In Romans 8:29, Paul says, “For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers.”

Christ's choice of Matthew would have raised eyebrows. Tax collectors often collected more than what was due to the government to enhance their personal wealth. They were often hated and considered sinners.

God’s choices are unlike human choices. He knows in advance what choices we will make and whom we are aligned to – Him or Satan. He has the map of our lives before Him – till the very end. He knows who will stand and who will fall. Based on that foreknowledge, He chooses those who have chosen Him.

Matthew Celebrates

When Christ calls Matthew, he is at his workstation. He doesn’t wait. Almost as if he has been waiting for this all his life, he jumps up and follows Jesus! His response is instant, irreversible, and inclusive. Luke 5 reports that he invites the self-righteous Pharisees, the tax collectors, Jesus, and his disciples as well. Quite a mix!

He takes the opportunity to introduce them to his best friend and master, Jesus. He never turns back!

Pharisees Criticize

The religious leaders and Pharisees are quick to criticize Jesus. These were people who:

  • Changed their lifestyle without the Lord
  • Offered libations without love (Hosea 6:6)
  • Set limitations without liberty

The Pharisees stretched the law to inflict punishment rather than relaxing it to give opportunity for compassion. Jesus says, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice" - compassion, not ceremony.

Mercy is compassion for souls. It is an attribute of God and can only originate from being connected with God. It connects people with Jesus.

Christ Commissions us to be Fruitful

Christ not only calls us, but He also empowers and enables those who choose to follow Him and be His disciples to be fruitful as we make daily choices to obey Him.

What challenges us about Christ’s call and choice? How can we be more like Matthew and less like the Pharisees?

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About this Plan

Gracious Jesus 7 - the King Calls

Many people dream of a big sponsor to help them realise their dreams. The King of Kings is looking for potential leaders and calling people who follow Him. The call doesn’t consider age, race, or gender. Yet this call still eludes many today. For those who wholeheartedly and completely voluntarily answer this call, their lives will never be the same. We see shining examples from all walks of life.
