I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)Sýnishorn

I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)

DAY 4 OF 4

Day 4. Life Goes On

It was really interesting seeing how life just moved on without me being on social media.

But the reality is that everyone is busy and life goes on pretty quickly without us.

The world keeps spinning. It's a bit of a reality check, right? We sometimes think we're the center of the universe. But actually, everyone's got their own stuff going on, and the world doesn't stop when we step away from our screens.

On one hand, it can be discouraging because we aren’t quite as important as we sometimes think. On the other hand, it helped me better realize that nothing is more important than spending my time being about the Father’s business.

Think about 1 Corinthians 3:12 - everything else that we do is just wood, hay, and stubble. These things don't last and will be burned up. But when we live for God, we're building with gold, silver, and precious stones - things that can withstand the test of time.

The reality is, life is fleeting. James 4:14 reminds us of that. But while our time on earth is short, the impact we make can be eternal.

So today, whether you're scrolling through social media or not, let's choose to focus on what really matters. Let's invest in things of eternal value. Let's live our lives for Him!

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I Quit Social Media for 1 Year (4 Biblical Lessons I Learned)

I decided to take a year-long break from social media. It wasn't easy, but the Biblical lessons I learned are invaluable. Regardless of whether or not you ever take a 1-year social media fast, these verses and principles can bring you an abundance of more peace and joy in your life.
