The Habit Breaker – Ems HancockSýnishorn

The Habit Breaker – Ems Hancock

DAY 5 OF 7

Who is helping us break our habits?

Before we become Christians, the Bible tells us that we are all slaves to sin (see Romans 6:20). And until we are set free by Jesus we will remain enslaved. But our salvation gives us more than the joy of heaven. It gives us freedom and power on earth! It is this enabling resurrection power that helps us to say “yes” to Christ and “no” to the things that lead to our disquiet and our dismay. Crucially, saying “yes” to Jesus also means we gain family members, Christian brothers and sisters who can help us move from our old life to our new one.

In our reading in James today we read these words: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16 NIV)

Let me ask you a pertinent question:

When was the last time you did this?

When was the last time you sat with someone you love and trust and told them about some of the areas where you find yourself slipping up? When did you last openly acknowledge your wrongdoing?

The Bible teaches us that healing from any addictive tendency isn’t just found in the presence of Jesus but in the people He has called to Himself.

We need others to help us change and grow. The minute that I decided to be part of a recovery group was the minute that God broke a chain of pride in me. Sharing my sorrows with others has utterly restored me. It has brought freedom and release.

Proverbs 15:22 tells us that, “Without counsel plans fail.”

If we try things on our own, we will fall. This verse goes on to declare that “with many advisers” our plans succeed.

Could it be that you keep treading old ground, asking God to help you with your habits, but that you have never sought the wise counsel of Christian friends? Remember the Bible teaches us that “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) I need others to help me to stay on the path. So do you.


Lord, reveal to me today who I need to invest my life in. Show me those who are key to my recovery and my freedom. Help me to choose to be vulnerable with the right people in my life. Amen.


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About this Plan

The Habit Breaker – Ems Hancock

If your life has ever been dogged by habits you couldn’t shake off or you struggle to believe you’ll ever be truly free, this devotional plan is for you. Ems Hancock shares biblical insights into the roots of our habits, how to break destructive behavior patterns, and how to replace them with life-enriching habits. Start your journey toward true freedom now.
