How to Win Against All OddsSýnishorn

How to Win Against All Odds

DAY 3 OF 3

Show Up!

After you wake up and get up, it’s time that you show up. You have to show up in the roles God has created you for. Sometimes when we feel our backs are against the wall, we neglect our businesses, leadership positions, families, and relationships with people we care about, including ourselves. Every day you can make a conscious decision to be the best version of yourself and give your best effort in everything you do as if you are working for the LORD. And be patient when things don’t go as planned. When you wait upon the LORD, He will renew your strength, and you will win every single time.

God chose you for the challenges you face, and with the Holy Spirit living within you, you will overcome any obstacle. Be strong in your faith, and put on all of God’s armor to stand firm against all strategies of the devil, and after the battle, you will still be standing firm.

When you show up and face your fears, you will realize that GOD has been preparing you for this battle before it was time to fight. You have the necessary tools—the skills and knowledge gained from various experiences and the faith to sustain you through it all. David told Saul, “Don’t worry about this Philistine; I’ll go fight him.” Although Saul didn’t think he was qualified to fight the giant, David knew his hands-on training in the field prepared him for such a time as this. But more importantly, he knew the GOD who rescued him before would do it again.

Your Goliath- whether it is sickness and disease, losing a loved one, financial crisis, depression, or whatever else- may seem more powerful than GOD, but you can not be defeated! It’s a trick from the enemy meant to steal your confidence in GOD and make you take off your armor. Don’t do it!

God will never allow you to lose; instead, He will equip you with everything you need to win! This battle does not belong to you; it belongs to the LORD. Get up, wake up, show up, and watch the LORD fight for you. In the end, there is a great reward on the other side of struggle.

In other words, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Don’t lose your confidence. It will bring you a great reward. David won with a slingshot, one stone, and faith in the Lord, and so can you.

You have already won against all odds when you Get Up, Wake Up, & Show Up!

Dag 2

About this Plan

How to Win Against All Odds

Do you feel stuck, hopeless, and don't know what to do? This three-day devotional will give readers three simple steps to get back on track and win against all odds.
