Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow DevoSýnishorn

Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow Devo

DAY 7 OF 7

Doxology (Stars Go Dim)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

When you think about praising God, who do you think of? Chances are that the first “person” you think of is not the Holy Spirit. Tragically, in many Christian circles, the Holy Spirit is viewed more of as the weird second cousin of the Father and Son rather than God Himself. The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is one of the three persons in the beautiful and mysterious Trinitarian Godhead.

God is the only true God. One God expressed in three eternal, co-existing, distinct persons. Jesus the Son was empowered by God the Spirit to perfectly obey God in His earthly ministry. The power of God the Holy Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the grave three days after his execution on a criminal’s cross. After Jesus Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father, He sent His Holy Spirit to inhabit, transform, and empower His people.

Christ follower, consider your relationship with God today and remember that He is not far removed or distant. He is a good Father and He loves to give the good gift of His Spirit (presence and power) to His children. Consider the following truths as you prepare for what challenges wait for you when you walk out of the door or open your eyes tomorrow morning.

  • God’s Holy Spirit lives in you signifying that you have been made holy and blameless in the eyes of God (even when you sin).
  • God’s Holy Spirit lives in you to empower you to resist temptation, obey the Father, and love those around you that are hardest to love.
  • God’s Holy Spirit is His presence with you today. Imagine Him holding your hand even now. He is a good Father and He is walking with you even when you don’t feel it or remember.
  • God’s Holy Spirit has sealed you and lives in you as a reminder and guarantee that you now belong to God and that nothing in all of creation can remove your identity as beloved child of God today.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

To listen to all of Doxoloy by Stars Go Dim and continue your focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, please visit oflow.it/00ne/szu5aAMqaB

Dag 6

About this Plan

Spirit: Path To Praise - The Overflow Devo

Referred to by some as the “forgotten member of the Trinity,” the Holy Spirit was referred to by Christ as our Counselor and Helper. In this 7-day devotional in partnership with The Overflow Christian music service, we’ll look at the theology in 7 songs that describe how the Spirit transforms our hearts, soul, and minds, and how we are then directed to respond with praise.
