Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary MomSýnishorn

Seasons: Daily Truths to Refresh the Weary Mom

DAY 1 OF 7

What we see from these scriptures is that Sarah was given a promise, yet it wasn’t happening on her schedule. She began to lose hope and decided something needed to be done so she could have a child. She took matters into her own hands. We see that she didn’t really believe in the promise. Her roots were not deep enough to sustain the waiting that HAD to happen. Her faith was easily uprooted, and she was not sustained by the Sustainer.

Maybe you are in a season of waiting. Whether God has given you a promise or you are looking for an answer, either way, you are waiting. I want to remind you that God is never late. He was not late with Sarah, and He is not late with you. Maybe the place you are in with your child is trying. They are pushing you, they are defying you. That can make you feel overwhelmed and completely undone.

I will never forget a month we had, that I thought I wouldn’t survive. Literally. I remember thinking- this will be the end of me. (Dramatic, I know... but at this point, I hadn’t slept in three years! Let me exaggerate please!) It seemed that all of my girls needed me in the most intense way. No one was sleeping; whether it was a sickness, a nightmare, or teething I was up every hour or someone was constantly trying to climb into our bed. I would tell my secondborn, “Please don’t touch the stove,” and like a moth to the flame she just had to touch it. My oldest was realizing she was stronger than her sisters and was enjoying teasing them just enough to cause screaming. And any moment I tried to accomplish any task, my sweet baby would cling to my legs begging to be held leaving me one-handed to complete any small task. I was overwhelmed, absolutely exhausted, frustrated, and depleted. I had nothing to offer them, my patience was running thin, and I felt like I had completely lost myself.

In the midst of this season I began to let my feelings dictate my actions, and the moment I did, that was the moment I stepped out of alignment with God. Sarah was feeling forgotten and frustrated. So, she let her feelings dictate a very bad decision, one that haunts her for years to come.

Our feelings are meant to be indicators, not dictators. God gave us our feelings and they are meant to be under His authority.

Maybe you feel like you are just not a patient mother or a gentle mother. Whatever that adjective is that you wish you possess, I would like you to think of it a different way. You may not be naturally gentle, but you can be gentle by obedience. You may not be naturally patient, but you can be patient by obedience. God gave Sarah a promise and all she had to do was be obedient and leave the results up to God. And the same goes for us. Be obedient every day and leave the results up to God. Just know you are not alone. Just know the season will end. Maybe it’s a month, or a week, or a few months. God is right there, and He truly has not forgotten you even when you feel like you have forgotten yourself. He sees you, and if you have your roots deep in Him you will be sustained no matter how hard the season.

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