Fatherhood in the Ancient FaithSýnishorn

Fatherhood in the Ancient Faith

DAY 3 OF 3

The Legacy of Fatherhood

Today, we will reflect on the legacy we leave as fathers and the importance of passing down our faith to future generations. As fathers, we have a unique opportunity to leave a legacy for our children and for future generations. We can pass on not only our genes but also our values, our faith, and our love. We can teach our children to love and serve God with all their hearts and to live lives of faith and devotion.

Proverbs 13:22 tells us, "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." As fathers, we have the privilege of leaving a spiritual inheritance to our children and their children. This legacy is not only in what we leave behind but also in the way we live our lives and the values we instill in our children.

The Early Church Fathers also emphasized the importance of passing down our faith to future generations. In his work "On the Duties of Parents," St. Augustine of Hippo instructs fathers to be good and faithful servants of God and for fathers to train their children in piety, which he says is the most important duty of a father. This is a reminder that our role as fathers goes beyond providing for our families, but also includes nurturing their spiritual growth and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

St. Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." As fathers, we are responsible for passing down the spiritual legacy entrusted to us; we are called to not only teach our children but also to equip them to teach others.

The Early Church Fathers also understood the importance of passing on the faith to the next generation. In his work, "The Instructor", St. Clement of Alexandria wrote, "We must train the young in the way they should go, as men will also walk when they are old; and when the soul is bent in youth to piety, it will be easier for it to mount up." The time for our children to learn the ways of godliness is when they are young and we are able to set the right path for them, when we are still here with them to teach them the ways of godliness, else neglecting our God-given responsibilities our children are raised by the world to mimic the world and abandon the Church and their Creator—then we find ourselves wishing that we did more when they were younger. When we teach them to love God, when we show them how to love God and they learn to love the Lord their God from a young age, they will be raised in holiness, godliness, sanctity, and humility, and in time they will train their children the same principles. What a legacy for us fathers to be partakers of, for us to be a part of something so profound and world-changing!

We must teach our children to live according to the ways of God, to love and serve Him, and to be faithful to Him. We must also show them the importance of sharing their faith with others and making disciples. This is how we can ensure that the spiritual legacy entrusted to us is passed on to future generations. St. John Chrysostom wrote, "The true treasure of a household is a father who is wise, virtuous, and just." Our legacy as fathers is not measured by our wealth or our accomplishments, but by our character and our faithfulness, by what we pass on to our children—a strong and unshakeable love and relationship with God that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Let us pray for the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we raise and teach our children so that they may grow up to be faithful and fruitful servants of God and may continue to pass on the legacy of the Ancient Faith to future generations. May we all be encouraged and inspired to fulfill our divine calling as fathers, providing for our families, nurturing our children, and passing down our faith to future generations. Let us pray that God will give us the grace to leave a legacy of faith and love for our children and for future generations. Let us strive to be wise, virtuous, and just, and to pass on the faith that has been entrusted to us. As we do so, we can trust that God will bless our efforts and use them for His glory.

God bless you, fathers!

Dag 2

About this Plan

Fatherhood in the Ancient Faith

Explore the divine calling of fatherhood in this 3-day devotional. Through Scripture and the Early Church Fathers' writings, reflect on being a role model for your children, passing down the spiritual heritage of the Ancient Faith, and leaving a legacy. Embrace your calling and seek God's guidance in raising your children to love and serve Him.
