In Jesus’ Name for MenSýnishorn

Faithful Direction
There is no right way to arrange a household. Some homes might have a stay-at-home parent, others have two working parents, and still others have single parents leading the charge. Whatever the situation, passion must be involved— for work, for children, or for the home. If that passion has yet to reveal itself, pray. In order to hear what calling God has placed on our lives, we have to listen. And it can take a while. Fully understanding what God wants us to do with our lives can take years, and certain pieces of our calling might only surface for a season. When our hearts are radically changed, and we become passionate about a possibility, then we might have found a clue to our calling.
Heavenly Father, I pray today for instruction. I pray that you would instruct me and teach me your path. Hold my hand, guide my feet, and keep me near to you. Only through you can I manage to not stumble.
About this Plan

Jesus said we can do all that he did in his ministry on earth and even more if we believe in him. This is no small statement! We were never meant to stay small in prayer or in faith. Take him at his word and begin to ask for greater things. In Jesus’ Name we can grow bold and catch a glimpse of the glory and goodness of God.